
April showers....

... bring May flowers! I sure hope that we get tons of flowers in return for the rainy weather we are getting! I don't know about you, but I thought that the weather during our long Easter weekend was the beginning of beautiful weather! I'm sure that by the time Pentecost comes, we will have sunshine! We discussed how Easter Sunday is just the beginning of Easter season, which lasts for 50 days (!) ending with Pentecost.

In Reading, we started our new novel study, Charlotte's Web. Each student has a copy to borrow, but please do not read ahead. We just started Chapter 1 today.

In Math, we started multiplication. This week we will focus on the relationship between addition and multiplication. For example:

2 x 5 is the same as 2+2+2+2+2

I am also sending home flashcards tomorrow to practice for our Math Minutes. Next week we will begin with facts of x1, x2 and x0. 

Track season begins! Please ensure that if your child is going to Track events during school time, that they are able to catch up with the work missed.

Homework for April 8
1. Religion journal-- Annuciation
2. Novel questions-- Ch 1
3. Sp Unit 26-- WTW
4. Math w/s

Sign tests (Spelling, Math & Wordly Wise)

 AUCTION on SATURDAY! I will be there... will you be??? Ask me about the teacher auction contribution this year!!! Let's just say... Western BBQ at your place... intrigued???