
January 12

Hello Grade Three Families! It's nice to be back to normal and routines and to see these lovely children again! While vacations are nice, there's no place like home! They had a nice time with our sub last week and he reported to me that the class behaved nicely for him (albeit very chatty :).

There are a few reminders:
- A letter went home with the oldest/only child today, please read it as it has a lot of important information.
- Just a reminder that while gym t-shirts are optional in Grade 3, gym shorts still need to be worn on PE days. Also, girls are allowed to wear pants and tunics, not skirts.
- Any outstanding library books need to be sent to school ASAP.
-Hot lunch on Wednesday.

1. Rel journal-- write, draw, colour
2. Wri- Brainstorm ONLY
3. Math pg 66

Penpal response rough draft- due WED
Sp Unit 14 (WTW #1-4, WP#1-4, CH#1-3) due FRI

Students also have the opportunity to fix, redo or hand in (for those who did not do it!) their Science title page to fit criteria. These are due on THURS.