
Tues., Sept 25

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend! The staff had a great time in Squamish at the Dominican Sisters' Convent. It was a wonderful time renewing our spiritual health and getting the spend time with each other.


Today we had High Touch Science come to our classroom and do some Materials and Properties experiments with them that ties in with our learning outcomes this term. The students had a lot of fun rebuilding bridges ans structures out of straws, marshmallows and toothpicks. 

Get those pledges!!! On Friday, we are going to do a tally of the pledges so far.  Students need to bring in their pledge forms to get a chance to win small prizes.

Terry Fox walk on Thursday. Please send some change to make a change for cancer research!

1. Rd 15 mins
2. My Family- Rough draft
3. Spelling WTW, WP
4. Math w/s