
Friday, Jan 18

Thank you to parents for taking the time to go over the readings and parts of the Mass last night with their kids. I apologize for such short notice! The students did a wonderful job at Mass today! I am glad that some of you were able to join us. Our next class Mass is scheduled for March 15.

We have started our new novel study this week, The Mouse and the Motorcycle, and we are reading it as a read-aloud. Please do not read ahead at home since we will be doing prediction activities in class and those that read ahead will not be able to do the tasks properly. I will also be sending home some "EXTRA CREDIT" work next week in connection with the novel for those who want to get extra marks for Language Arts. These project-based tasks are NOT mandatory, but I encourage students to try them.

This week we also started Wordly Wise. The routine for WW will be very similar to our Spelling routine. The activities will be given on TUESDAY for the lessons. We will go through them in class. Activities A-C will be due on WEDNESDAY. The story and questions will be read in class on WEDNESDAY and due on FRIDAY. A quiz on the vocabulary will be given on FRIDAY.

TUESDAY: Activities A-C assigned (DUE WEDNESDAY)
WEDNESDAY: Story & questions assigned (DUE FRIDAY)

Next week we will be on Lesson 2.

We are going skating next week! YAY! By the looks of it, we have enough parents walking with us. If you are available to meet us at the rink and skate with us, you are more than welcome! Extra hands are always appreciated with tying of the skates! Please do not send money. Students ARE NOT ALLOWED to purchase things at the vending machines.

NO SCHOOL MONDAY for students! It's a staff PRO-D Day! Enjoy your long weekend!