
Dec. 3

Thank you so much to all the parent drivers and volunteers who helped to make our field trip a success. It was wonderful to see the student's react to what we have been learning about all term. Today we talked about whether or not we would like to live in that era and some of our students actually said they would like to be pioneers!

If you are interested in checking out the Burnaby Village Museum, there is free admission until January for people to see the Christmas lights. I encourage you to check it out with your family!

A notice went home today about the family that our class is filling a Christmas hamper for. It is a family of five-- 2 adults, 3 kids (ten year old boy, two girls aged 6 and 13). We are looking for non-perishable food, gift cards or gifts. 
It is VERY IMPORTANT to adhere to the laws to keep the children safe during our field trip. We need to have boosters seats dropped off with your child if you are not driving your own child.

More than 18 kg (40 lbs) and under nine years old or under 145 cm (4'9") tall

Use a booster seat until your child is at least nine years old or 145 cm (4'9") tall.

Ideal placement

  • Place in the back seat.
  • Booster seats are designed to be used with a lap/shoulder belt. Do not use a booster seat with only a lap belt.
  • Position lap belt low over hip bones and shoulder belt over shoulder and in front of chest.

Source: http://www.icbc.com/road-safety/safer-drivers/Pages/Child-car-seats.aspx

1. Ramona Quimby, Age 8-- book reivew

Past due from Monday:
1. Now and Then Christmas and Toys
2. Nature question answer