
Sept 21

Congratulations to our friends who went to the cross country meet today! Way to go!

We did pack their work before leaving so that they didn't miss much. The rest of our afternoon was pretty much work time, so most of the students should have very light homework if at all.

Terry Fox walk is on Wednesday, we ask each family to bring in a twoonie.

Confession and Adoration on Friday.

Scholastic book orders are due on Sept 30. For orders received through our class, we get bonus bucks back to use on our classroom library. You can pay by cheque (payable to Scholastic Canada) or now, they offer payment online with your credit card! I will activate this feature and send out instructions on how to do so.

Our class is signed up for Raz-Kids this year. I will send home a letter with their login and password, as it is different from last year.

1. Math pg 7&8
2. Walking story (I am, I know, I like, I dislike-- 3 of each)
3. Sp Unit 2- WTW
4. Sci title page due Thurs (marking rubric is on the back.