
Nov 16

This Friday is our Adoration and Confession. I encourage the students to go through the examination of conscience with their bedtime prayers We are also learning the Apostle's Creed and we are making a small booklet in class to help memorize the words.

Sport jersey day on WED.
It is a non uniform day and students are encouraged to wear any sport jersey or anything that represents their sport or favourite sport team.

1. Math w/s
2. Sp Unit 9 (due FRI)
     --WTW p. 41 #1-4
     -- WP p.42 #1-3
     -- CH p. 43 #1-3
3. Plurals (page 4,5,6)
4. Sci--interactive notebook
5. Comm Skills p 14-18

Space poster due Thurs
Rachel-- star due FRI