
Nov 26

FINAL DAY to Pre-Order your child’s Student craft!  If you haven’t placed your order, this is your last chance before the Bazaar.  All orders must be in by tomorrow morning(Thursday).  All crafts can be picked up Saturday, Nov 29th at the Parish Bazaar.

Also, please check the PFG page regarding the gift card program by the Knights of Columbus! We are eligible to win a pizza party for our class!

1. Daily Lang Review- Week 7
2. Nature- answer one of your questions (story style)
3. Now and Then clothes
4. Sp Unit 11 due- test tomorrow

Just a reminder that our field trip is on Tuesday next week. All parents who signed up have been "chosen", as there is no maximum number of parents I can bring. The more volunteers we have, the smaller our groups can be. we do have a school policy that volunteers cannot bring younger siblings. 

If you are meeting us there with a younger sibling, please let me know ahead of time. You will have to purchase an admission ticket at the gate. 

Students are encouraged to dress in pioneer style clothing (boys in pants and long sleeve shirts, girls in long skirts or dresses, no jeans). They also have the option of wearing their full uniform.