
Thurs, Oct 27

Tomorrow is the Coin Drive! 
Please send spare change to make a big change!
Tomorrow is also Food Bank Mass!

Today we made sacrifice beads with the Grade 7's. Students are encouraged to follow in the footsteps of St. Therese of Lisieux, who kept the beads in her pocket and counted out the daily sacrifices she made. She then sent these sacrifices up to Heaven in prayer form and offered them up to missions. St. Therese is the Patron Saint of missions.

1. Spelling-- Word Power & Challenges
2. Gr 4 only-- Wordly Wise # 1E

Book reports are due tomorrow!
Spelling Test and Rosary Quiz tomorrow!
Science quiz on light and energy for Gr.4's!


Tues, Oct 25

It's a light homework night! I am waiting in anticipation to see all the book reports this week. I have already been wowed by some of the creative book reports that I have been given!

1. Finish Peace Is... reflection
2. Math worksheet (gr 3 only)
3. Sentence worksheets (gr 3 only)
4. Wordly Wise (gr 4 only)


Monday, Oct. 24

Today was the kick off for Missions Week. The cookie sale was a success! Tomorrow, the Grade 1 and 6 classes are doing a Band-Aid sale to make us aware of the need for medicine around the world.

1. Spelling Unit 7-- Write the Words

2. Math w/s
Grade 3-- pumpkin number patterns (front side only)
Grade 4-- adding with double digits

Grade 3-- Bean Lab questions
Grade 4-- Chapter 4 Quiz review (Quiz on Friday)

-Rosary quiz on Friday (They took home a study sheet today. They have to know the mysteries)
-Book reports are due on Friday (They may bring them in any time this week if they are done!)
-November book orders are due on Nov 4. Please let me know if these are intended gifts, I will make sure to pass them on to you directly.
-Remembrance Day poster contest in not mandatory. If your child wants to participate, the materials they need is available. They are due on Nov 7.


Thurs, Oct 20

Next week is Missions Week. Your oldest child brought home a newsletter today explaining all the different activities that we are doing next week. Each class is in charge of a fundraiser that will raise awareness of the work that the Holy Childhood Association is doing in over 120 countries! Our class, along with the Kindergartens, is in charge of a coin drive on Friday. We are asking the whole school to bring in "Spare Change to make a Change".

On Monday, Mrs. Tyrell and Miss Losito's classes are doing a cookie sale. Please send a $1.00 with your child if they wish to purchase a treat on that day. Tuesday is a Band-aid sale and Wednesday is a bottle drive. Please check the school website for more details.

Friday, Oct 28 is also a Food Bank Mass, but we are extending the Food Drive until Nov 1. We are encouraging the students to participate in "Halloween for Hunger". They will bring cards with them while they go trick or treating and will say "Trick of treat or food to eat". The cards explain that we are asking for donations to the local Food Bank, either in lieu of or along with the treat they would normally receive.

FYI: We have been working with the other Grade 3 class in reading groups, four times a week for half an hour at a time. The students have been grouped by reading levels. Next week, the Grade 4's will start working with the other class in reading groups as well. We are so excited for this opportunity to collaborate with the other classes. These groups may change throughout the year, depending on the skills that we are working on. 

No homework on the weekend... HOWEVER!

-The October book report is due on Friday, Oct. 28.
-There is also an optional walk-a-thon service sheet that is due on Monday. The students are asked to describe what works of service they did for their pledges.
-The Remembrance Day poster contest also went home today for those students who wish to enter. The due date is on Nov. 7th.

Enjoy your long weekend together! I will be at a writing workshop tomorrow and hope to get great ideas for our Writing Program!


Tues, Oct 18

1. Spelling-- Choose 6 of your spelling words (8 for Grade 4)
Write the definition for the words and then use it in a sentence.

2. Math worksheet-- practice for QUIZ on THURSDAY

3. Communicating Skills-- Alphabetical Order practice
Gr3-- p 25-26
Gr4-- p 8, 12


Welcome to Week 6!

Reminders for the upcoming week:

-Scholastic book orders are due on Thursday, Oct 20.
-Star Student Sheets & P.O.W. are due on Thursday.
-For P.O.W. this week, we are focusing on extraneous information, taking out the unnecessary information. (Your child has a handout, along with their questions!)
-There will be a spelling quiz (the list and activities are on the blog), math quiz (ordering & skip counting for grade 3, number patterns for grade 4), nouns and verbs review on Thursday.

NO SCHOOL FRIDAY due to Professional Development.

1. Read for 15 minutes.
2. Math worksheet
3. Spelling words in ABC order (We are not using the textbook this week. This is a review week)
4. Socials (Compass points for gr 3, Grids for gr 4)
5. Vivid verbs worksheet


Week Five Update!

I apologize for the lack of blogging this week. I have been busy with preparations for WE Day, which we took the Christian Servers to yesterday. It was a fun-filled day, with important messages for serving others and helping the needy. It gives me great hope to see that our world is in the hands of such eager youth who wants to make the world a better place.

A big THANK YOU for your contributions to our Thanksgiving lunch. We were able to share our lunch with the staff. As always, you provided us with such a generous lunch.

Photo re-takes are on October 27. Please write in your child's planner if you wish for them to take a retake.

Walk-a-thon money must be turned into the office ASAP. Today was the deadline for students to be added to the draw for prizes.

A few reminders for the upcoming week:
Wed-- Hot Lunch (Subway)
Thurs-- Living Rosary
Thurs-- Scholastic Book Orders for Oct are due
Fri-- NO SCHOOL-- Pro-D Day

Mark it on your calendar!
Book reports are due on October 28... have you started thinking about it yet? 

Tues Nov 1 is All Saints Day. Students are invited to dress like a Saint, as is our annual tradition at CCS. If you need any help for ideas, let me know!

Nov 10 will be our Remembrance Day Assembly and our class will be in charge of putting this on. We will have it at 10:45am. You are welcome to attend. We won't have school on Nov 11. 

Have a great weekend! See you on Monday!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you all a wonderful, blessed and safe Thanksgiving weekend!

The class did an AMAZING job fundraising for the walk-a-thon! Our class earned a whooping $1976.34!!! I am so proud of all their efforts. More importantly, I am impressed by the service sheets that I have been receiving from them. They have been creative in serving with joyful hearts!

It has been a busy start to our month with Walk-a-thon, Cross Country meets, Soccer Team and so much more. I am looking forward to the next couple of weeks, when we can buckle down and do our work until the Christmas rush begins. This week we started a new rewards program called Fonseca Bucks, where the children earn play money when they do things that they are expected to do. The "money" they earn can be traded in for prizes.

The Fonseca Bucks Rewards Program
The reward dollars are given out when you do the following things, but are not
limited to (which means a teacher can give them to you at their discretion):
-Monday to Friday ALL homework is completed (this includes planners) = $5 
-100% on tests and quizzes = $1 
Clean desks
-Neat binders, duo-tangs, folders (work is put away properly and in order) 
-Getting “caught” doing something good (tidying without being asked, helping out a friend)
-Work that is well done. It may be your best work or something that you put a lot of effort in.

What can I redeem the bucks for? Lots of things! Here are some examples:
-Small prizes – candy = $10
- Medium prizes- fancy pens, toys and trinkets = $25
-Big prizes- 5 minute extra recess = $50
-        Free homework pass (must be used in the month bought) =$50
-        Extra recess (15 minutes) = $75


10.5-- the walk-a-thon edition

I'm sorry... I forgot a few reminders!

- Walk-a-thon permission slips must be signed or else your child will not be allowed to walk.
- Please send a FINAL total with your child so that we can see if we have met our $1300- goal.
- Hot lunch will be provided on Friday for those who ordered. It was a separate order form than October orders.
-Dismissal on Friday will be NOON!

Have a great evening!


CORRECTION: Students are allowed to wear regular clothes for the walk-a-thon. Please make sure they are dressed appropriate for the weather. Any other parents who would like to walk with our class are more than welcome to join us!


1. Read for 15 minutes.

2. Thanksgiving prayer-draft

3. Spelling activities-- Quiz tomorrow

4. Rubric activity-- fill in "generally meets" descriptors

5. Grade 4: Thanksgiving reading questions

POW-- due F
Star Student-- ALSO due F




1. Read for 15 minutes. Reading Log was distributed today.

2. Math w/s

3. Spelling-- Word Power

4. Gr 3: Then & Now booklet-- Transportation
    Gr 4: Chapter 3-4 novel study questions

5. All About Me project due Tomorrow

Permission Slips for walk-a-thon ASAP
Spelling Test and Math quiz will be on THURSDAY due to the Walk-a-thon on Friday.
Star Student Sheet--Thalliyah-- due Th
P.O.W. -- due F


Welcome October!

Here we are in our SECOND month of school and things are finally feeling routine. As promised, the kids will get another "sundae" party this month. Please send a bowl and spoon for Friday.

This month, as mentioned in my last blog, we will be focusing on Thankfulness. We will also be talking about praying the rosary and will be doing so in class. Please send a rosary to school with your child if you have any extras at home. They will be returned at the end of the month.  


1. Read for 15 minutes. I will send home a reading blog for October tomorrow.

2. Math worksheet
Gr 3: writing number words
Gr 4: recognizing number patterns

3. Socials (in their mapping booklets)

4. Spelling-- Write the Words (please see the spelling list tab for page numbers and exercises)


1. Please sign their spelling test, math quiz and P.O.W.

2. All About Me project is due on WEDNESDAY.

3. Walk-a-thon is on FRIDAY. Rain or shine, please ensure that your child is dresses appropriately. They must be in their school uniform. Girls should wear tights or their pants if it is cold out. They may wear rain boots if it is wet out. If you would like to walk with us, please email me so I know how many parent volunteers to expect. The more the merrier! If you would like to volunteer at a crosswalk, please email the office.

We love parent volunteers! You are more than welcome to come and join us in our classroom. Please let me know at least a day ahead so I can be prepared with work for you.