
Many many thanks!

I can't believe we have reached the end of the year! This year has flown right by and I have enjoyed the year with this AMAZING group of students. I am twice blessed to have taught a lot of these kids TWICE now! Some highlights for me have been:
-getting to know them again
-sharing our Thanksgiving Pot Luck lunch
-exceeding our class goal for the Walk-a-thon and getting our SmartBoard!!!
-their wonderful presentation for the Remembrance Day Assembly
-the Christmas Concert
-all the ice cream banana split parties
-our Science World field trip & Waterpark field trip
-the pure joy in their faces when they earn fun things for the class
-the pride they have felt when they see their successes

THANK YOU to my amazing students for such a blessed year!

THANK YOU to the parents for all the support and for sharing your children's learning journey with me. It has been wonderful to work with you to help your children through this school year.

I wish you all a fun and safe summer. Enjoy your time together and I will see you all in September!

Love, Mrs. Fonseca