
Sept 12

WELCOME to grade 2/3.

Parents, please sign up for the class Dojo, as that is the main communication tool for our class. I will post pictures, updates and send out messages for important information. I look forward to working with you this year!

Love, Mrs. Fonseca



Those two words do not seem enough for the wonderful cards and thoughtful gifts you sent. I should be THANKING YOU for the pleasure of getting to teach your child for 10 months. Each child has been a gift! As with every year, the fun and love shared outweigh the challenges we have had.

Below is the link to a slideshow and all the photos that Mrs. Silva took for our class! (THANK YOU MRS. SILVA!) I hope your child can look fondly on our year with great memories! ( I will keep th link up for a week.)


I wish you all a wonderful and restful summer with your families! May God bless you throughout your adventures! See you all in September!

Love, Mrs. Fonseca



There is another freezie sale tomorrow by the Grade 5s. They are raising money to build a well in Africa. $1.00 for a jumbo one and .50 for half.

You are invited to join us for the end of the year Mass at 9am on Thursday, followed by an end of the year assembly.  NOON DISMISSAL!


June 14

We have started our final reflections for report cards and some students did not finish theirs in class. Here are the guiding questions they can use to help them:

Do I come to school prepared (homework complete, planner signed)
Do I use class time wisely and not distract others?
Do I keep my desk, backpack, supplies organized so I can find my things when I need them? Do I put my papers away in proper duotangs and binders?
Do I include others in play and use kind words towards others?
Do I respect others and their belongings? (Keeping my hands off their things and off others)

Friday is FUN DAY!!!! Your child has been given their colour and number group. We encourage students to wear their team colour OR a super hero costume. There is NO HOT LUNCH this year. DISMISSAL is at NOON.

The class book arrived and was sent home today! It is so well done. If you are interested in ordering and did not get a chance to do it, there is still an opportunity to do so. Please let me know and I will send home a form with your child.

Step Up Day is on June 21. All the grade 3s will meet Mr. Walters and Miss Losito (next year's grade 4 teachers) and the grade 2s will meet Miss Barboza (next year's grade 3 teacher-- they don't need to meet me!)

Slowly we will start to wind down and certain materials will be sent home. This will mean we won't have a big pile of supplies that will be going home on the same day! Their pencil boxes will be sent to next year's teacher, as well as any binders that are still in good condition.

If you are not using any of the current supplies next year, please indicate in their planner so we can re-use them at school:

  • pencil crayons
  • markers
  • crayons
  • rulers


June 8

Tomorrow is Parent Voluteer Appreciation Tea and Annual Talent Show! Tea will be served right after the Mass and the Talen Show will begin at 11 am. Please ensure that if your child is participating, they bring all their materials and costumes to school. They still have to wear their uniform to school because we have Mass.

Next week we have Fun Day on Friday. There is NOON DISMISSAL and this year, there is NO HOT LUNCH. We will provide snacks and treats during the stations and they will go home at lunch.

Thank you to Mrs. Silva video for taping the Passion Project Presentations. I posted the link on Class Dojo.

We started the program "I'm A Gift From God", please sign page 1 in their booklets. We talked today about taking care of our bodies. We also discussed that body parts that are covered by bathing suits and our mouths are considered private parts. It is important that students know the proper names for these proper parts. I will not be teaching them these terms in class, but it would be very helpful if you went over the correct terms with them at home.

Have a great evening!



Confirmation is this FRIDAY-- Please ensure you have signed up for something, as they did the work for our First Communion reception! THANKS

Confirmation Reception
FridayJune 2, 2017

❖ Mass will be celebrated at 7 pm
❖ Reception expected to start at 8:45 pm iParish Centre Auditorium
❖ There will be 57 students + family members

Decorating: Friday, June 2 @ 3-4 pm
Clean all tables with dishcloth, including edges
put on white table clothes on rounds
decorate tables with folded out napkins
vases (kitchenette in corner cupboard) filled with silk flowers (yellow, orange & red)
massage the sticky tack.  Tack is to be used for ALL decoration on walls
place one banner per flame
Do not place any banners above the beverage stations.
Decorate entrance with vined silk flowers
Set up tables for Bishops dinner in Bushey Room
Church Duties:
Fold programs
Reserve seats
Vacuum carpets
Tidy pews (books, papers removed, kneelers up)
Tidy bathrooms
Dinner:  Friday, June 2 @ 6-8 pm
Clear dinner dishes
Prepare dessert
Store left over food
Clear room
Sweep floor
Table clothes to go in assigned bags
Kitchen:  Friday, June 7:30-9:30 pm
Coffee urns, careful about plug ins same wall will blow breaker, takes about 1 hour to percolate
turn on dishwasher (needs time to warm up)
put out coffee tables:  cups & saucers, spoons, cream, milksugar
precut & plate 4 of slab cakes which are in cooler, put one uncut cake in centre of tables for displayand have someone cut & serve when precuts complete.  NAPKINS.
punch can be mixed in large red jugs then put into water jugs for pre pouring into glasses or leaving for self-pour with left overs.  Put pre-poured cups of punch on a rectangle serving table
put out extra plates, cups & saucers, glasses, water jugs (do last, from tap)
clean up as necessary
Assign persons;
2 for cake
1 per coffee station (keep tidy, refill creamers, sugar as necessary, etc.)
1 per punch station (refill glasses, keep tidy)
2 people in kitchen keeping clean and washing dishes
2 people floating for clean up

Clean upFriday, June 2 @ 9-11 pm
Scrape plates of waste, dishwashing
clearing tables
white table clothes to go in clear plastic bags and placed in bins
take down decorations from walls & tables, return in orderly fashion in storage containers, save sticky tack (like gold around here)
store leftover food
clean kitchen (wipe counters, wipe trolleys, clean sinks, sweep floors – kitchen and gym)
leave tables up
Chairs can be stacked along, north & south walls, do not block doors


May 23

Last few weeks of schoool! Here we go!!!!

Important dates:

Tomorrow: non-uniform-- purple day! (Bring $2 for Tessa Beauchamp Foundation and popcorn)

May 30- Field Trip for the zoo (More info to come this week!)

May 31- Crowning of Mary-- Each student is asked to bring ONE flower. Grade 2 students are invited to bring their First Communion clothes to wear that afternoon.

Come at 11 am to hear their Passion Project presentations! 

Please see the school calendar for more important dates as June is JAMPACKED with activities! 


May 16

Also, we are having a Purple Day on May 24 and popcorn sale ($1) in memory of Tessa Beauchamp. Bring $1 to donate to her charity.


Your child is bringing home their Discovery (orange) duotang. PLEASE take the time to look through it with them as they have made their plans for their passion projects. Some students need materials to bring to school on TUES MAY 23 so they can work on their projects. (They are mostly poster paper or blocks, etc. I highlighted any materials that they need to bring from home.

The students will present their passion projects to you. If your child needs support from home, I will reach out to you via email. Otherwise, all the children are responsible for completing these projects IN CLASS. The work you will see is their own accomplishment! I will send home a list of the projects next week with a proper invitation :)

Grade 2 students will be presenting Crowning of Mary with Sister Mary's class. They are invited to bring and wear their First Communion clothes that day. (We can change into them at lunch). Please only send the actual dress or dress pants and shirts. Any thig extra (veils, tiaras, etc) would be too distracting! You are welcome to join us for the Rosary and crowning in the church.


May 5

Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my! We are going to the ZOO!!! Permission slips went home today!

We went to Adoration and Confession today. It was such a nice start to our weekend!

PLEASE check your child's uniform. Cate is missing a sweater and Peter is missing shoes! Both are labelled!

Have a great weekend!


May 4

Congratulations to our Grade 3 Track Meet Participants! Despite the rainy weather, they had a great time and tried their best!

A note from Mr. K:
"Well I have finished planning the next two track meets.  All event notices have been given to your children.  I thank you for the understanding you have shown by waiting patiently for this notice.  Please inform me by tomorrow if there are any complications.  I am so looking forward to better weather at these track meets... any weather could be better than the shower we all took today!!!"

We have been working for a month on provinces and capital cities. Tomorrow is our test!

Tomorrow is also our Adoration and Confession. Grade 3's will be doing confession and the Grade 2s are encouraged to go as well, even if they just did it last week.

Grade 2 parents, I will post the link for the First Communion pictures on the Dojo, if you have not recieved it yet! Thanks to Mrs. Silva for taking such precious photos!

Our class book has been shipped! I cannot wait to see the finished product. If you placed an order, I will let you know as soon as it arrives.


May 1

CONGRATULATIONS to our Grade 2s for receiving their First Communion. It was a beautiful day to celebrate with loved ones and each other!

Next week the intermediate grades will be performing Aladdin. We are looking for donations of makeup - foundation, lipsticks, blush, liners (lip and eye) - anything you have at home that you are willing to part with.

If you are interested in watching the play on May 11 (1pm or 7pm) please purchase your tickets! The class will be watching the dress rehearsal so tickets for them are not necessary unless they are joining you for either of the shows on May 11. Our grade 3 choir members will be part of the performance in the chorus. 

Track & Field athletes-- there is a track meet this Wednesday at St. Matthew's. Please ensure that your child has a ride to and from the track meet! Check Mr K's blog for times! 



Hi Parents!!!

Just wanted to review a few details for our big day this Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

-Please have your child at the Parish Centre by 1:15 pm.
-Girls should have shoulders covered.
-The children should not hold rosaries or have gloves on during Mass.
-Please make sure your children eat plenty of FOOD (eating is SO important, even if they are super excited!!!). 
-Please make sure your children get plenty of SLEEP (sleep is SO important, even if they are super excited and have lots of family and friends around....)
-When choosing a pew, please abandon your normal "Space Bubble" and squeeze in tight for all the many wonderful people who will be with us to celebrate and pray (more is SO better but it will be super, super cozy) :)
-Mrs. Phoenix (Colin - in Grade 7's mom) will be taking  a group photo.  She will be putting them into digital format, which we still need to figure out, but it will be TOTALLY FREE!!!!!!! Horray!!!!!  Mrs. Silva (Adie -in Grade 3 and Josh in K's mom) is doing 
individual photos so hopefully we can combine the access for all the photos in the same place. Please thank these wonderful moms for this generous service!!!!
-There will be a reception in the Parish Centre Auditorium following Mass.  This is an opportunity to receive your child’s First Communion certificate and bring home his/her banner. There will be cake too! Let's keep the exuberant celebration until the reception and maintain (and help all of the children to maintain) a reverent, prayerful, quiet excitement prior to Mass (I'm saying this mostly for myself - you KNOW how I am when I'm excited.... Please feel free to correct me if I'm pogo sticking or doing cartwheels before Mass!!!) :)
-The time plan is:
*1:15 arrive at parish centre
*1:30 picture (parents are banished from the premises) :)
*1:45 children are praying the rosary, using the washroom, and lining up (and you are praying really hard in the church to God for your child, even if it feels like everyone in there is talking to everyone except God...)
*2:00 Mass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
*????? PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

Can't wait until Sunday!!! Please don't forget the novena tonight, tomorrow, and twice on Sunday!!!!

With much gratitude and anticipation!!!!!


April 26

TOMORROW IS OUR ICE CREAM DAY! Please bring a bowl and spoon (banana optional!) for your own sundae! See you tomorrow!


April 5- Talent Show News

Our Annual Talent show is on June 9th . Beginning Wednesday April 26t there will be a sign up sheet outside the office. Your child will be allowed to sign up to perform an act by themselves or with a group of friends.  If your child signs up, you will receive a note informing you of this by the end of next week. Students are expected to practice on their own time.  Auditions will be on May 23rd and 24th (your child will receive information with a time). We are reminding students that signing up is a commitment and to please ensure that they are willing to perform before signing up.

We are excited and looking forward to all the participants! Any questions, please emailrdacruz@cloverdalecatholicschool.ca or rlewis@cloverdalecatholicschool.ca 


April 24

Congratulations to Isabel & Cole on their Baptism last weekend! Welcome to the Church family!

We also wish our Grade 2s all the best as they prepare this final week for their First Communion this coming weekend! Last Saturday, we spent the morning together with their families in prayer and community! It was a great day!

OUR LARVAE HAVE ARRIVED!!!! Feel free to come in the class and check out our new "pets" that we are raising until they emerge into Painted Lady Butterflies. We will be able to release them in about a month's time.

I have MOVED our provinces and capitals test to FRI MAY 5th, as our Grade 2 friends are busy with First Communion prep all week. I have had questions regarding the format of the test. It will be labelling provinces on a map and then the second part is matching the provinces with their capital cities. Students do not need to know WHERE the capital cities are on the map.

Our class book is taking shape. This week, we are working on writing their good copies. Each child has a page for illustration and one written page. There will also be a class photo included. If you decide to purchase a copy of this book, and have indicated on your form otherwise, please let me know by THURSDAY. (I am away on Friday and will ship the book out then).


April 20

GRADE 2 info for retreat!

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday, April 22nd, for our First Communion Retreat. My apologies that this did not come earlier, but I thought I should give you a brief glimpse as to what we will take place on Saturday morning.

When you arrive, we will have a sign in table just outside the church.

We will start with Mass at 9 am in the church.  No assigned seating, pick your favourite spot.

When we finish Mass, there will be juice boxes and granola bars (nut free) for the kids on the church “patio” (school if raining).  The kids will then be divided into 4 groups (approximately 14-16 kids/group) and will be assigned a Leader to take them to their first Station.  There will be 4 stations:  Craft, Drama, Prayer, and Faith.  Each station will be about 20 minutes and their group leader will help them move from station to station.  Our Stations Leaders are Sister Mary Bethany, Mrs. Maria Fonseca, Miss Karla Oettli & Mrs. Trish Sangalang.

When we finish Mass, there will be juice boxes and granola bars (nut free) for the kids on the church “patio” (school if raining).  The kids will then be divided into 4 groups (approximately 14-16 kids/group) and will be assigned a Leader to take them to their first Station.  There will be 4 stations:  Craft, Drama, Prayer, and Faith.  Each station will be about 20 minutes and their group leader will help them move from station to station.  Our Stations Leaders are Sister Mary Bethany, Mrs. Maria Fonseca, Miss Karla Oettli & Mrs. Trish Sangalang.

While the children are participating at the school, the parents (both are most welcome, but understand if only one is able to attend, while the other is holding down the fort at home) will be having their own retreat at the Parish Centre.  I will be facilitating this and our focus will be on The Good Shepherd parable.  There will be coffee and snack for us too!

At approximately 11:30, all the children will join us in the Columbus/Cenacle rooms of the Parish Centre so that you, as a family, can work together on a felt banner.  These banners will be used to decorate the Reception Hall after First Communion.  They will be returned to you the week following our celebrations, when you may take them home.  If you have a hot glue gun, and a spare power bar, please bring it along. We plan to be done about noon.  My apologies, but we do not have babysitting services for siblings.




Hi Grade 2 parents!

The big day is fast approaching for the children to receive their First Communion (April 30 at 2pm). This Saturday (APRIL 22) is their retreat from 9-12. Please ensure your child is here on time! I will send you more details tomorrow!


April 13

No school Friday and Monday.

Wednesday, April 19 non uniform day (Easter colours) and an Easter egg hunt hosted by the Grade 7s. Please bring $2 to participate.



April 12

Track and Field permission forms for GRADE 3 students went home on Monday. Please read carefully and fill in ALL the information needed, regarding practices, meets they can attend and rides.

Below is information for GRADE 2 students who wish to participate in the CCS Fun Meet. Permission slips were sent home today for that:

The 6th Annual CCS Track and Field Meet will be held on… Wednesday, May 17th – CCS mini-Track Meet @ CCS (12-4:30, grades 2, 3, and 4) 

This fun meet is a track team event for grades 3 and 4.  All grade 2s are welcome to participate.  Mr. K has been training the grade 2s in PE classes.  Ribbons will be awarded for most events that they enter.  Five other schools will join us and there will be a concession running from 11am until 3pm.  Please send this permission form to the school by Friday, May 5th to ensure your place in the meet.  If your child is not participating they will be under supervision in a classroom for the duration of the school day.  Students will need to bring: gym strip, water bottles and hats if warm out!


April 6

Tomorrow is our class Mass. Please ensure that your child has their proper uniform on. It is also a Food Bank Mass.

The following people have reading parts that they need to practice: Julia, Mark, Alexandra, Matti, Max and Hayden.

Peter, Rosa and Declan will be bringing up the gifts.

Next week is already Holy Week. We will putting a heavier emphasis on quiet reflection times to help us prepare for the end of Lent. We will have a "retreat" day on Holy Thursday and there is no school on Good Friday (April 14) and Easter Monday (April 17).

There was information about a Class Book that we are going to publish (hard cover!). Please send the forms back by April 13 so we can claim a free copy for the class (even if you are not going to order one, we still need the form back please!) Our class book is entitled "When I Grow Up" and each child will have their own written page and their own illustrated page. We will also include a photograph of the class.

Please see the side bar for information about the Passion Projects that was sent home right after Spring Break. This week we have been working on honing in on a possible topic.


April 3

FINALLY!!!! Spring weather has arrived! Please ensure that your child still has a sweater at school in case we go out and they feel a little chilly. LABEL all of the new jackets and hoodies please!

WELCOME to our new friend RICARDO! We are so glad you joined our CCS Family!

IMPROTANT NOTICES that went home the last week:

1. Registration package (With oldest child)
2. Passion project information
3. Class book order forms (Please send these back even if you are not ordering, as we will not get a free copy for the class if I don't get all the sheets back).


March 1

The Beyblades have gotten out of control! Today, as we were doing our end of the day routine, they were playing with them in class. I have asked that Beyblades are LEFT AT HOME TOMORROW. They are not socializing properly any more as we are finding there are arguements and they are crowded around these "stadiums". The rule now is that they are allowed to bring them outside for short recess only. This rule will have to be revisited if the problems persists.

A Lent folder went home today for you to see their promises or sacrifices. Please sign this page and RETURN THE FOLDER tomorrow as we need them in class.

Our field trip is next Tuesday already! I will send home the list of parent volunteers and their groups on Friday. IF YOUR CHILD IS NOT 9 YEARS OLD YET OR 4'9, PLEASE ENSURE THEY BRING A BOOSTER SEAT IF SOMEONE ELSE IS DRIVING THEM. If they do not have bring it, we will have to search for seats and that means the whole class is held behind.

Report cards will be sent home on Friday.


Feb 27

Tomorrow is non-uniform day! Red, white and black to cheer on our basketball girls who will be playing in the playoffs tomorrow! GO UNITED!

Tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday and we will be eating pancakes together with our buddies at 10am. The pancakes are donated by the Knights :)

Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. You are invited to join us for Mass at 9am.
On Ash Wednesday, we are asked to fast. This is for people ages 18-65, unless they have a medical condition. I am asking that the kids refrain from bringing treats and juice that day. We will have a recess snack and lunch as scheduled but will be prayerful and reverent during these times. 

There are three parts to our Lenten journey: Prayer, Fasting (something we are going to give up) and Almsgiving (something we are going to do or give to others). We will discuss things that we are going to give up or do for Lent. This might be a good chance to talk to your child to help them choose things that are meaningful.

New spelling list will be sent home tomorrow for a test on Friday. 


Skating on Monday

Don't forget that we are skating on Monday! We will be eating lunch early at 11:30 so please pack an extra snack for after skating.

Who? Monday, February 27th – Grades 2, 2/3 and All 6s @ 12:30pm.  

We walk at 11:45am and skate from 12:30-1:30pm.

WHAT TO BRING/WEAR: Wear uniforms to school and bring skates, helmets (bicycle helmets are okay), gloves, warm clothing, boots (for walking).  Students will change back into their school uniforms following the skating sessions.  Girls may want to bring pants.



Feb 20

The students did a great job in performing their poems in class last week. The two students who are doing their poems at the assembly are Alexandra and Kristian! Way to go!!!

Grade 2 parent meeting on Wednesday!

Thank you to all the parent volunteers who are able to drive/supervise on our field trip. The following students can bring a parent along :)


Groups will be given out closer to the date.

Students brought home multiplication flash cards today for practice (Grade 2s it was optional).

Wednesday is Anti-bullying/Pink Shirt day. They are able to wear a pink shirt with their uniform.

No school on Friday for Student-Led conferences.


Feb 17

Please check your child's folder for your student led time. Let me know if the time does not work for you. There is some flexibility in re-arranging if necessary.

Next week, we pick up with spelling again. You might see that your child might be doing different letter sounds/blends as we did an assessment again to end term 2 and there was a shuffling of groups.

The Grade 3s have also started with multiplication. On Monday, I will send home a package of flashcards to practice. We will start with multiplying 2's as our math drills next week (we call this doubling the digit).

The Grade 2's will continue with subtraction facts, If I feel that they have mastered this, then we will challenge them with some multiplication facts.

As noted on the field trip forms, we will be going skating on Feb 27. We will leave the school at 11:45 and would appreciate any volunteers who want to walk with us and help tie skates!


GRADE 2 Parent Info

Here is a letter with IMPORTANT DATES from our Parish Religious Education Office!

Hello Parents,

A reminder of the upcoming Parent meeting for families that have children preparing for First Holy Communion.  This meeting will be hosted by Sister Mary Bethany, Mrs. Maria Fonseca, Father Anthony and myself.  We will be gathering on Wednesday, February 22 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Centre Auditorium.  We are looking forward to seeing you all there.  

There is no child-minding available this evening, PREP students will be taking part in their regular classes.

Our First Communion celebrations will be taking place on;
·        Sunday, April 30th for CCS students
·        Sunday, May 7th for PREP Students

Both Masses will be at 2 pm.  If there is a conflict, students are welcome to participate in either, but we do need to know that well in advance please.

Also, a reminder of the Retreat on Saturday, April 22nd.  We will all gather for Mass (students & parents) at 9 am.  After Mass, parents will gather in the Parish Centre while the children will be gathered into groups to participate in their activities in the school and church.  At 11:30, we will all gather in the Parish Centre to make banners.  We should be done by noon.

One more note, as a generous gift of time, long standing parish tradition have the 1st Communion parent host the Confirmation reception, as the Confirmation families will be hosting your receptions.  You will be asked to sign up for a shift on Friday, June 2 to assist in preparing decorations, setting up, serving and clean up on this evening.  If you have children celebrating both sacraments, you are not required to participate, you will be busy enough J

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

With my prayers,
Heather Squires

Happy Family Day!

I hope you all enjoyed the five day weekend and the celebration of Family Day today :)

Just a few reminders!
Tomorrow is non-uniform day (Red, pink, white) for Valentines's Day.
Students are allowed to bring in treats to be handed out at the end of the day. We do have nut allergies in the class so please be aware.

In light of having five days off and the holidays, I am sure that a few of our students have forgotten that we have Speech Arts to perform. I had originally split it in two days (Feb 14-15). THE WHOLE CLASS WILL PERFORM THEIR POEMS ON FEB 15. Please paractice!

See you tomorrow!


Feb 7

What a beautiful sight it was this morning to see the snow covered field! The students had a great time playing in it. Please ensure that your child is dressed to play outside.

Tomorrow is a UNIFORM day but students are encouraged to wear crazy socks and shoes.

Grade 2 parents, please read the information below from Sister Mary Bethany. A blue text book for First Communion will be sent home tomorrow home along with a package that we encourage you to complete with your child.

If you still have a Reconciliation book at home, please return to school asap!

Hi Parents!!

I wanted  to let you know about an upcoming "homework" assignment. Do you remember in the fall how you read a chapter a day with your child from the purple book about Reconciliation?

Well, we are now 85 days away from First Communion (yes, the count-down has begun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)  and it is time for your child to be engaging you in conversation about this upcoming momentous milestone!

I will be sending home an eight-chapter book called God's Gift: Eucharist as well as a packet with questions about each chapter/topic, most of which can be found in the book, the others of which I am hoping your child will have gleaned from lessons in class this year. The packet concludes with a little interview of faith for your child to conduct with you!

Would you mind reading through this book with your child and completing the packet of questions when you have time, perhaps one chapter a week? I'd love for your child to be able to read and share discussion with you before First Communion! Maybe next week (with two days off) and spring break might afford some extra time for reading
which is why I'm sending it home now.

The packets are of course for writing answers down but please do not write in the books and do return them once you are finished so that we can use them again next year.

I really appreciate your involvement in your child's growing faith and 
prayer life!!

With gratitude and prayers,


Speech Arts

Today I handed out the three bible readings that the students need to practice for Speech Arts. They DO NOT need to MEMORIZE them but they should be familiar with the readings, as they will be given them at random to recite in front of the class. We will present them on Feb 1-3. 
Students will also need to learn a poem of their own choosing. We will have a classroom Speech Arts on Thursday, February 14-15. They may choose any poem they like but it needs to be a minimum of one minute in length orally. They must provide the title and author of the poem at the begining of the recitation. They need to memorize the poem and recite it in front the class. I have provided the students with a duotang of poems and they can choose one from the collection. If they are choosing one that is not itn the duotang, then please provide a copy for me for marking. 


No school next Monday.

The Grade 3's have an Apostle's Creed quiz on Jan 31. It will be fill in the blanks, but the words will not be provided. 


Home Reading

Class mass on Friday. Reading parts went home with students who have reading parts. Those who have not had a reading part will have one in the future class masses.

Today a blue folder went home labelled "Home Reading" please have a read through it.

We are starting a class book challenge. Students are asked to read 30 books in various genres (these are defined on the blog!) and to complete 20 tasks that practice vocabulary and retelling skills. These are concepts that were taught in class and are reinforced in our daily reading activities.

Students are able to choose books at their own levels (even the chapter books!) and are able to read independently or read aloud with someone. They are allowed to use books from home, our classroom or the library.

Here are the things that I expect to be handed in:
1.    The 30 Book Challenge Tracking sheet
2.   Response Tracking Sheet
3.   20 activities in the booklet


If you finish all 30 books and activities and would like a challenge round, please let me know and I can give some extra activities.



Welcome Back

Welcome back! I hope you have had a relaxing break with lots of time with family and friends. It has been great to get back into routine and to catch up with one another. We still await the return of a few friends and hope they get back to school soon!

This month we are focusing on a few new things:

Religion: This month, we are learning the Apostle's Creed. There will be a test on Jan 31 for both grades. Grade two's will continue to work with Sister for First Communion Prep.

Reading: We are working on strategies from Reading Power (connection, visualize) using picture books. We are focusing on the work of Mo Wilhems. We will also be starting reading groups,where different groups will be reading material more at their level. A reading challenge will also be sent home next week and we will work on it until the end of term (March).

Writing: At this point, students should remember to write in full sentences and to answer questions in complete sentences. Grade 3 are expected to write short paragraphs (5 sentences). We are also starting cursive writing (YAY!), introducing proper letter formation and size. This is a great excercise for fine motor skills. The purpose is not to be able to do it perfectly, but to do the exercises as best as we can. In the past, we usually have a handful of students who are able to use cursive in their daily work by third term and we call them our "Happy Handwriters".

Math: We are starting with subtraction facts in both grade 2 and 3. We are focusing on word problems and regrouping (adding with grade 2 and subtraction with grade 3). It is important that they are able to log in to their Mathletics accounts at home if possible at least once a week for extra practice. These accounts are aimed at their own level and practices the skills they need more practice in. If you do not have their log in, I will send a notice home with log in information.

Socials & Science units are to be determined shortly.

Next Friday, Jan 13 is our class mass. Readings and parts will be given out on Monday for our readers to practice.

No school on Jan 23- Pro D (Workshop for for teachers)