
May 22nd

Just a quick note about our Religion program, I'm a Gift from God. I hope you all got a chance to read the letter that was sent home about it two weeks ago. We have started it in class, but there is a home component to it and that is to discuss the contents with your child. I will continue to send the workbook home each time we fill in a page so that you can talk it over. Please initial the page and send back. The workbook needs to come back to school each time so your child can fill in the information in class. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call or email me!

1. ABC Book DUE!
2. Math w/s
3. Sp 31- CH
4. SS w/s


May 21st

I hope you all enjoyed your extra long weekend! I had the chance to watch movies and bake cookies with my children. I find those weekends that are spent at home with no agenda the most relaxing! I am looking forward to summer vacation just as much as the students are, I am sure!

We started a new unit in Math today-- geometry. This means we have new vocabulary to contend with. Today we learned the following words: polygon, sides (edges), angles and (gasp!!!) equalateral (triangle with all equal sides). Tomorrow, I will introduce vertices and line segments. We will progress to perimeter and area. Whew! This should take us two or three weeks to get through, then it will be an overall review!

We are finished our novel study of Charlotte's Web. Their ABC books are due on THURSDAY.  For the remainder of the year, we will be broken up into small groups with their own books to read and different tasks.

We are going to the Zoo on June 7! We will be going by school bus and will be there all day. We will choose parent volunteers for the trip, but if you are chosen, siblings will not be allowed. If you would like to come along with younger siblings, you are welcome to the group rate at the door. DUE TO ALLERGIES IN THE GROUP, STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PURCHASE THEIR LUNCH.
I apologize for not sending the permission slips home today but they will be in their backpacks tomorrow. If you have any questions about the trip after reading the permission slip, please let me know!

1. Sp Unit 31--WTW & WP
2. Math w/s
3. Penpal postcard (front only)
4. Charlotte cover
5. WW Unit 4- A-D

Reminders: School Panorama, Flowers for Mary, Popcorn Day tomorrow


Thursday, May 9, 2013

This warm weather has us thinking about the lazy days of summer ahead and the countdown is on! I keep reminding the students that we still have a few weeks of normal routine and work to do to complete our year together.

Please keep our Grade Sevens in your prayers, as they receive Confirmation tonight.

Book Reports:
The book reports have been on display for a week and a half now and they are well done! I am glad that the students were able to find a novel that inspired them to create such wonderful projects!

Spring Musical:
The spring Musical, Harmony High, is on Thursday, May 16. Entrance is by donation. Just like the Christmas concert, we will have two performances. One at 1pm and the other at 7pm. Each class will be singing a few songs at a time. Our costume is as followings:

Grade K, 1, 2, 3, :  All students need to be dressed as if they are in the fifties.  They can have poodle skirts, with a blouse and sweater, jeans rolled up, Capri pants.  All students need to look like they are in a high school in the 50’s.
Visit Mrs. Mar's blog if you would like more information!

We are working on telling time and word problems with elapsed time in Math. Please ensure that your child has an analog clock available to them somewhere in the house. It is a great way to get extra practice. Using vocabulary such as quarter to, quarter past, half past, also helps them decipher what to do in word problems.

We have taken a break from the regular Spelling lists to concentrate on vocabulary from our novel study, Charlotte's Web.

Upcoming Events:
** No school May 17 (Pro D) and May 20 (Victoria Day)
**We will be going to the Greater Vancouver Zoo on June 7. A formal permission slip and parent volunteer form will be sent home next week.
**Also in June, we will be visited by our penpals from St. Bernadette. They will spend the morning with us and then we will all walk to the Cloverdale Athletic Park to have fun at the waterpark.