
May 19

Tomorrow is the CCS Mini Track meet. It is a regular school day. Please ensure your child is in uniform and if they are participating in the meet, they need their full gym strip at school.

There will be a Charity fair, put on by the Grade 5 and 6's and there will be games. Tickets will be sold for fifty cents- $2.00.

There is also concession available.

1. Sp due FRI (EVERYONE is using a Charlotte's Web list this week. The activities are on a worksheet)
2. Novel Study-Connection and Letter T
3. Math w/s

Confession- Friday
Book orders (Last One)-- Due May 29


May 15

ENJOY THE LOOONG WEEKEND! No school tomorrow (Staff planning day) and no school Monday (Victoria Day).

If your child gave me their novel title and genre for their book report, then I sent home the summary sheet and poster with them today. If your child has not chosen a novel yet, please encourage them to do so this weekend so they can start reading it. The outline for the project is found on the side bar.

Enjoy the sunshine!


May 11

We started reading Charlotte's Web today. Feel free to review the chapters that we cover in class, but please do not read ahead, as we do various activities in class with the novel.

Wednesday is our Crowning of Mary at 1pm. Each child is asked to bring in ONE flower to present to Our Lady (not a whole bouquet).

1. Gift from God pg 5
2. CE story #1 and map
3. Math pg 140, 142 & 143
4. Charlotte's Web-- Ch 1 questions


May 6

The third term book criteria was handed out today and is also found on the sidebar of the blog. Important dates to remember for it:
May 15- Students must tell me the title and genre of their book
June 12- Poster/summary is due

1. Treehouse rough draft
2. Math w/s
3. SS Manitoba q's



May 4

May the fourth be with you! I don't know what it's like at your household, but at ours, Star Wars have gotten to be quite the obsession for my children.

If you have any yarn you can donate, please send them to class by Wednesday. Thanks!

We would love to WIN an END OF THE YEAR PARTY! Please support the Knights of Columbus shopping card challenge!

We will have a book report due at the end of the month. The criteria and expectations will be given out tomorrow. Students will be expected to read a novel from any genre. If you click on the sidebar, there is a list of genres they can choose from.

We have a Science test on plants on Friday. The review sheet was handed out last week.

1. Spelling Unit 28 (WTW #2,3, WP #1-3 CH #3-7)
    OR List 4 (TicTacToe activity sheet)

2. House RD
3. Math pg 138-139
4. SS- Manitoba

Choir students received their work for the afternoon before leaving.
Any students who are going to be away on Wednesday for track will be given the work they will miss tomorrow.