
Jan 29

Our choir is singing at the 11am mass, followed by pancake breakfast hosted by the Knights of Columbus. 
The school will be open from 12:30-2:30 with demonstrations and activities in the various classrooms. Ours will be at 12:45 in the Grade Three class :) As well as free popcorn provided by our Christian Servers. Hope to see you most of you there.

The blue re-registration forms that went home need to be handed back in with a $50 re-registration fee per family not per child. Please hand these forms in as soon as possible.

We are celebrating Catholic Schools Week next week, with Silly hat/hair day on Tuesday and silly socks/shoes on Wednesday.

No spelling next week due to a very short week. We will resume the bible readings on Monday as we only got through a few today. Just a reminder that poems will be recited in class on Feb 10. 

Please send skating permission slips and rental fees back to school. A letter of correction went home stating that skate rentals are now $3.25 per visit and helmets are $1.75 per visit. If your child needs both for both sessions, it will be $10 total.


Jan 25

We are working on organization skills! Some students have had their "desk contents" put in a bin as the  inside of their desk was a mess! When they can prove that they can put papers away properly and keep their bins clean, they can have their things back inside their desks. We are also working on organizing our time. Below you will notice that the homework has different due dates. I explained to them the importance of using our time wisely. Start with the assignments that we started in class and that are due the next day. Please ensure that their assignments are not left at home so that they can work on them in class during work time.

Wednesday is Dress Up like a Book Character Day.

1. Sp Unit 16 (WTW #1-5, WP #2,3, CH#1-3) Due Thurs
2. Adj w/s (pgs 40-43) due Wed
3. Math w/s due TOM.
4. Food poem good copy due TOM
5. Sp Unit 15 corrections due TOM


Jan 21

I understand how obsessed students are about Shopkins. I have a six year old daughter who loves to play with them, however, I have had to put a stop on bringing them in the classroom. They are a big distraction with the students and even with the "keep them in your backpack" rule, students still play with them during class time. I am asking they no longer bring them to school for the time being. We can call it a "cooling down period". If Shopkins are found in the desks, I will take them and a parent/guardian will need to come and claim them. If it wasn't such an issue in the class, I would not take this type of measure, however, I am finding that some students are not listening to the lessons and are staring at the shopkins catalogs or playing in their desks instead. Thank you for your cooperation

Apostle's Creed test on Feb 19. We have been working on the Apostles Creed booklet, so students should be familiar with it, as well, I sent a sheet home with the words on it today.

1. Alliteration page
2. Acrostic poem
3. Math problems 4-7
4. Music title page (for Mrs. Mar)


Jan 19

We are starting our poetry unit in Writing this week. This will give the students a chance to explore poems and also to write and create their own. If they have not yet chosen a poem for Speech Arts, they must do so by Friday. I also need the name of their novel for their book report  project by Friday.

1. Sp Unit 15 (WTW #1-3; WP #1-3); CH #1-3) due Thurs
2. Novel study connection sheet
3. Novel study Ch 2-3 questions
4. Math w/s
5. Sci- 5 illustrations

Just a quick note about classroom work habits: If you find that your child has more than 20 minutes of homework today, please talk to them about the work time given in class. We had half an hour before lunch to complete work, as well as another half hour at the end of the day to do more work. If your child consistently has more than 40 minutes of homework a day, we should have a meeting.


Jan 12

And we are off running! Wow! It's only Tuesday and we are B.U.S.Y. I have handed out some term projects and assignments this week, so please look closely at  the important dates at the bottom.

We have started regrouping with three digits in math and students would benefit from extra practice with this. It is our goal to start multiplication before spring break in March. We are studying the Apostle's Creed in Religion and students are expected to memorize the words. We will have a quiz on the words in February (exact date to be announced). In language arts, we are working on paragraph writing. At this time, grade threes are expected to use capitals and punctuation marks EVERY single time. This is non-negotiable. In Socials studies, we are doing mapping skills and will be learning about continents and oceans. This ties nicely with Science, where we are going to be learning about landforms and doing an in-school project with the Chromebooks regarding this topic.

Important Dates:
Tomorrow is NOT a non-uniform day. Please come in your uniform

Jan 22: Due date to let Mrs. Fonseca know your novel for book report and poem title for Speech Arts
Jan 28-29: Bible readings in class
Jan 31: Open house and Pancake breakfast after 11 am Mass

Feb 1-3: Catholic Schools Week (activities TBD)
Feb 4-5: No school-- Teachers conference
Feb 10: Poetry recitations in class
Feb 12: Adoration and Confession for our class
Feb 17: Term Book report due
Feb 25-26: Student Led conferences

1. Sp. Unit 14-- due THURS (WTW 1-4, WP 1-4, CH 1-3)
2. Comm Skills pg. 47, 51-53-- due FRI
3. Math w/s
4. Creed booklet-- due FRI
5. SP Test book signed, Unit 13 corrections


Jan 5

1. Sp Unit 12 due THURS
2. Winter break snapshots due tomorrow
3. Math w/s

Have a good evening!


Welcome Back-- Jan 4

I hope you all had a great two weeks with your families. The Christmas season is always so magical. I thought that nothing beats the feeling of being a child at Christmas time, but to be honest, I find creating that magic for my own children to be more fun. (Even if it is a little stressful at times!)

With the new year, comes some new routines and new topics. Our spelling units are now due on Thursday, instead of Friday so that we can go over the activities together. We are also continuing with Weekly Progress Reports this week.

1. Sp Unit 13 (WTW #1,2; WP #1-3; CH #1,2,5)-- DUE THURS
2. Winter Snapshots-- DUE WED
3. Math w/s (subtraction)-- due tom
4. My top ten favourite things about 2015-- due tom