
Oct 31

We painted pumpkins today so please check your child's shirt! If there is any paint on it, please soak immediately. The paint is washable but you don't want to wait too long. I will post some pictures of their creations on Dojo tomorrow.

We are celebrating All Saints Day tomorrow and students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite saint or Holy person. Please check Catholic Icing's website if you are still stuck for ideas.

Have a great and safe evening tonight!


Oct 28

Monday is regular uniform day. We will do some activities with pumpkins that we got from Rondriso Farms. On Tuesday, we encourage all the students to dress up as a Saint or Biblical figure. We will be visiting the church for prayer in the morning and in the afternoon, we will join the rest of the primary grades for fun celebrations. 

Have a great weekend!  


Oct 24

We did our photo retake this morning for our class photo. We should receive it shortly. Hopefully this one turned out well!

Important dates coming up:

Tomorrow: Earthquake drill at school tomorrow. It might also be a good time to talk about your emergency preparedness plan at home.

Nov 1-- All Saints Dress Up Day

Math quizzes went home today rounding. Please initial and send back to school. We will do the corrections in class to ensure they understand the concept. This week we are working on ordering and comparing numbers.

Spelling test book will be sent home tomorrow for a signature.


Oct 18

Don't forget to check our class Dojo for picture updates!

This week in a glance:

Tomorrow is the Living Rosary presented by the grade 4's and 5's. Please send a rosary for your child to use if possible.

Thursday we will have our spelling test and a math quiz on rounding. Next Monday I will send a small package with some math quizzes that have been completed for your signature.

Friday-- No School, Pro D Day. I will be attending a workshop in Langley to learn about anxiety in children and dealing with socio-emotional problems in the classroom.

Next Monday, Oct 24 is photo retake day. Please ensure your child comes picture ready as we are doing a CLASS PHOTO RETAKE. There were a few kids who had their eyes closed or not smiling at the last one. Also, please ensure your child is not late on that day so they don't miss it. I will have both pictures sent home when we receive the retake.

November 1 is fast approaching and we are doing our Annual Dress Like a Holy Person Day.
Here are some ideas for costumes if you are still looking for one.



Also, Grade 2 parents, please try and keep up with reading the Reconciliation book that was sent home. Remember their first Reconciliation day is on DEC 2!

Grade 3 parents, we will be doing a class confession and adoration on Dec 9.


Time Correction for Gr 2 Parent Meeting

Grade 2 Parents:

Please note that the First Reconciliation meeting on Thursday, Oct 13 is from 7PM to 8PM.


Oct 7

Happy Thanksgiving to all you! I am so blessed to be teaching your wonderful children this year and I am thankful for this opportunity.

Please check our class Dojo, as I added some pictures of the fun we had at the Fitness-a-thon today.

To our Grade 2 Parents: 
A purple book about Reconciliation was sent home this week to prepare the children for this beautiful sacrament on Dec 2. This six-chapter book may stay home, as the students will be using their time with Sister for preparation at school. Please do not write in the book and they will be collected at the end of November. It is important to have the conversations with your child leading up the their first Reconciliation as you are the primary educator of your child, especially about the spiritual matters. If you or your child have any questions, please feel free to contact me.



Oct 4

Unfortunately, the field trip for Thursday is CANCELLED due to a lack of drivers. We will try again another day. Thanks for understanding.

Friday NOON dismissal after the Fitness-a-thon.


Oct 3

Hello October! I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is already this weekend! 

We do need some HELP! We have a field trip scheduled for this Thursday, but we are short on drivers for HALF THE CLASS. If we do not have enough drivers by tomorrow, unfortunately, we have to cancel the field trip for Grade 2/3. If you are unable to come, please let me know ASAP.

Also, please write the total pledges that your child has in their planner tonight, as we are doing another tally tomorrow! 

Thank you!