
Wed. Nov 30

Just a reminder that the Book Fair is now open in the Library. We will be visiting as a class tomorrow. Students who bring money are responsible for their money and purchases.

The Christian Servers are also selling candy-grams (candy canes with cards) for $0.50. Students may send them to their friends. They will be delivered to recipients by the Christian Servers on the last day of school. If you would like to send your child one, please let me know and I will get a card to you to write on.

Tomorrow afternoon we will start Three-Way Conferences after school. Please take note that there is NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, except for those who have to come for their conference.

1. Poem (One Haiku OR Shape poem)
2. Math: Grade 3-w/s; Grade 4-Problem Solving questions #1-15
3. Star student sheet- Jaida


Tues, Nov 29

Happy New Liturgical Year! That's right! Last Sunday marked the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new liturgical year. During prayer, we light a purple candle from our advent wreath to signify that we are waiting for the birth of Jesus. Next week, we will be lighting two purple candles and we will be adding a pink candle in the third week. Finally, a fourth candle, a purple one, will be lit during the final week of Advent.


1. Sound poem
2. Spelling-- writing the number of syllables for each word
3. Happy sheet
4. Fr. Mark sheet

Book Fair will be open Wed-Fri in our library. It will also be open during the three-way conferences. There will be no school on Friday due to the conferences. Students must come in uniform even on Friday!


Thurs, Nov 24

Tomorrow is Pizza Day (along with our monthly banana "splits"). Students will be provided with a slice of cheese pizza, a juice box and a madarin orange. Please send a bowl, spoon and banana (optional) for our ice cream.

REPORT CARDS go home tomorrow. I have been having conferences with the students and going over their actual comments with them. Please feel free to discuss their marks with them when they get home. We can talk about any challenges they may have or goals they want to accomplish next week at our conferences. Dates and times will be given tomorrow.

1. Math w/s-- quiz tomorrow
2. Spelling Challenges-- test tomorrow
3. Months w/s
4. Fact or Opinion w/s
5. Star Student-- Elizabeth

While the homework list is looking a little long today, we did have over an hour of work time in class, so they should not have a lot to do at home!


Tues, Nov 22

Today we welcomed a new friend, Arthur W., Grade Three, joined our class! Welcome Arthur!


1. Math w/s (Grade 3- Patterns; Grade 4- Three Digit adding)

2. Comm Skills (Grade 3- pg 14, 18, 19; Grade 4- pg 13, 17)

3. Writer's Brain (facts)

4. Act of Contrition Mini-Quiz tomorrow.


Mon, Nov 21

Welcome to TERM TWO!!! Wow! Our first term together went by so fast! Report cards will be going home on Friday. I hope you had an opportunity to talk to your kids about what to expect and how they think they did last term. If you have not sent back your 3-Way Conference Sheet, please do so ASAP!

1. Math w/s (3: Number Patters; 4:Double digit adding)

2. Spelling Test Corrections and Signature

3: Spelling-- Write the Words

4. Socials (3: Then and Now Toys; 4: Definitions)

5. Bring old magazines if you have some

Grade 3 & 4-- Act of Contrition Quiz WED
Grade 4-- Tales of Fourth Grade Nothing-- B/M/E activity due THUR
Grade 3-- Number patterns quiz on FRI

FRI is also Pizza (Walk-a-thon prize) and Banana Split Day.
Please bring a bowl, spoon and banana (optional)


Thurs, Nov 18

Tomorrow, the Grade Three will be participating in an in-school field trip about Pioneers all afternoon. This will take place in the Parish Centre. The Grade Fours and I will be working on the end of their Science Unit on Light, so if possible, please send a flashlight to school.

1. Math w/s on bar graphs
2. Paragraph based on their O.W.I.
3. Star Student sheet-- Marcus

**Spelling Challenges is NOT for homework**


Tues, Nov 15

Today, we looked at a report card template with the learning outcomes that we have been concentrating on all term. We read through the learning outcomes together and the students gave themselves a grade. Please go through these student graded "report cards" with them and see where they think they need to improve. This exercise should take the negative stigma away from report cards and any take away any surprises.

1. Spelling Write the Words (Pls. see spelling tab for page numbers)

2. Comm Skills
Gr. 3: pg. 27 & 29
Gr. 4: pg 27 & 28

3. Math-- bar graph w/s

4. Self-report card



Tues, Nov 7

Reminder that there is a MASS on Thursday at 9am and an Assembly at 10:45 am.
You are invited to attend.


1. Spelling Word Power
2. Math w/s (Quiz on pictographs on Thursday)
3. Wordly Wise (Gr 4-- 2A,B,C) (Gr 3-- Ex 1)
4. Fiction vs Non-fiction chart

Gr. 4-- need to know continents and oceans for a quiz on Thursday
Gr. 3-- a quiz on Now (Modern times) vs Then (Pioneer Times) on Thursday


Thurs, Nov 3

Tomorrow we will be having a walk-a-thon and fall sports assembly at 9:30 in the Parish Centre.

1. Math w/s
2. Walking story
3. Spelling Word Power
4. Star Student sheet-- Dominic

Holy Childhood boxes are due tomorrow. Thanks!


Wed, Nov. 2

Today we attend Mass as a class to remember our loved ones who have died and also to pray for the souls in purgatory. This week, we continue to devote our daily prayers for these intentions.

You are invited to the Remembrance Day Assembly on Nov 10 at 10:45 in the Parish Centre. Our class will be leading the assembly.

The coin drive is still happening! If you still have your Holy Childhood boxes at home and would like to bring it in, please do so by Friday. We are also collecting candy for Agape until then.

1. Writer's Brain, fill in Memory and Imagination "pockets"
2. Math w/s -- data analysis
3. Reading-- Gr 3- Compare stores now and then
                     Gr 4- Finish reading Ch 7-8
4. Socials-- Mapping, grid w/s


Tues, Nov 1

Happy All Saints Day! How wonderful to see the students dressed up like Saints today. We talked about the different qualities that saints possess and how we would like to imitate these wonderful role models.

We are wrapping up the tail end of term one! I can't believe how fast time flies.
We are beginning graphing in math and have started our writer's workshop lessons. We are also finishing our term one novels in class. Their November book report is due on Nov 15 and that will be last thing I collect in terms of assessment for their report card. Please see the book report tab to read the specifics on the activity.

1. Writer's invitation
2. Saint in the Making trading card
3. Spelling, Write the Words (words and activities in the Spelling List tab)