

Here we are in our final months together! As the weather gets warmer (wishful thinking!!!) our thoughts start to wander more, but hopefully the students will be engaged in the new things we are doing this term. As you know, third term is so busy with activities such as Track and Field, celebration of Easter, end of the year celebrations and much more. Be sure to check the school website and our blog often for updates!

Here are some of the things that we will be working on this term:

Multiplication (Grade 3)
Division (Grade 4)

Language Arts:
Writing creative stories
Writing non-fiction
Reading from the Mystery Genre
Independent Short-stories

Finish our Unit on Canada (Grade 3)
Continued studies of Aboriginal cultures (Grade 4)

Finish Space (Grade 3)
Finish Weather (Grade 4)
Living Things (both grades)


SPRING BREAK is around the corner!

With the cold snap that we've been having, it's almost hard to imagine that we are nearing the season of spring! But here we are with Spring Break just a day away!

The report cards will be going home tomorrow. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at mfonseca@ccsunited.ca or else phone me at school upon our return on March 26. I am very proud of the effort the students put in this term and I think that our third term together will be fun filled with lots of activities. It will be just a short while and I will talking about the end of third! The saying, "Time flies when you're having fun" sure rings true as our weeks just fly by!


Tomorrow is a NON-UNIFORM day and we are encouraging students to wear Green (St. Patrick's) and Black (for the first ever Father Mark's Day!) We are also asking each family to send in $2 to put towards a birthday gift from our school. We are celebrating his 50th birthday with an assembly and cake at 2:15. Thank you to Mrs. Hunger for making our cupcakes and to all the other parents who offered to make some as well.


Mon, Mar 5

Yesterday's Gospel was the Transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain. Today we looked at the three different accounts and compared them. In all three accounts, Jesus took Peter, John and James to the mountain. There his disciples saw him with Moses and Elijah. Suddenly, Jesus' clothes started to glow a dazzling white and a voice from heaven said," This is my son, my beloved, listen to him." We talked about the significance of this event and wrote our own account in our Religion journals. They are keeping track of Lent on a countdown sheet at school, as well as the crosses that are in their homework folder.

CONGRATULATIONS to Isabella B. who is moving on to Bible Reading and to Arianna L. and Gemma N. who are both moving to storytelling. We will be reciting our class poem at Regionals as well on Thursday, March 8. The time will probably be around 11:30 again. Please ensure that your child has a change of clothes (tshirt, jeans, baseball cap).

1. Transfiguration story
2. Spelling-- WTW
3. Math w/s
4. Random Act of Kindness (RAK)

Grade 3's have a Provinces and Capitals Quiz on Wednesday