
May 22

Tomorrow is the Crowning of Mary. We ask each child to please bring a flower to offer at Mass.

Stations of the Cross test on Monday, May 26.

Check sweaters and vests! With the warm weather, students have been leaving sweaters and vests everywhere! Please check to ensure they have brought the right one home. Matteo is missing his vest, please return if you  have it by accident.

1. SP unit 29 due
2. Diary good copy—writing only
3. Math w/s, test signed and corrected
4. POW Week 7 (this was from yesterday)


Our caterpillars are now in the “flight tent” and we are waiting for them to go into their chrysalises. (A butterfly makes a chrysalis and a moth makes a cocoon!) They have tripled and quadrupled in size since we first received them. 

Friday will be the Crowning of Mary. Each child is asked to bring a flower for the offering.

1. Sp- Unit 29 due Fri
2. Math w/s
3. Day3-7 Rough draft
4. Finnean card
5. IGFG signed
6. CH 18-19 questions due THU

Those who will be away tomorrow due to track, have already received their assignments for tomorrow.

A word from the Knights of Columbus:

Who likes ICE CREAM?  The TWO classes with the highest total purchases in the Knights of Columbus Shopping Card program will win an ICE CREAM SUNDAE PARTY!!!!

The Shopping Card Program is by far the easiest way for us to raise funds for our school expansion project.  Supporting the Shopping Card Program DOES NOT require you to spend extra money.  All you are doing is buying cards for places you go to already.  We are not asking you to donate extra money here.  You're simply changing the WAY you shop.

It takes a bit of time to get used to bringing your cheque book to mass and thinking about where you usually go.  However, once you get into the habit it's easy and you're able to greatly help raise funds. The proceeds of the program go to the parish, the Knights simply administer the program. 

Half way through the current contest the standings are as follows.  All classes are close and have a chance at winning so please keep purchasing these shopping cards.  Most importantly please keep supporting the program after the contest closes the weekend of June 7/8.  Every single family that participates greatly helps us raise the funds needed for our school expansion.

1st - Grade 5
2nd - Grade 4L
3rd - Grade 2
4th - Grade 1
5th - Grade 3
6th - Grade KL
7th - Grade 7
8th - Grade 6
9th - Grade KO
10th - Grade 5/6
11th - Grade 4K


Extra Long Weekend Partners!

No school tomorrow or Monday... but I'm sure your child has reminded you of that!!!

Have a great long weekend!



May 14

Please read the letter that was sent home today regarding an incident at lunch. A letter was sent home with the oldest in each family.

Tomorrow is Western Day! Wear your favourite western clothing!

Our butterfly larvae has arrived! Today, we each got one and started feeding it and caring for it. We look forward to the changes we will be observing the next few weeks!

1. Sp Novel List #2-- due tom
2. POW Week 6-- due tom
3. Diary Day 1- rough draft


May 12

This is a short week, as we don't have classes on Friday... You  know what that means! Busy, busy,busy!

Please ensure that your child still has a full uniform at school, even if they are not wearing it, they should still have it in their bags.

Wednesday's gym class has been to THURSDAY. No gym strip necessary on Wednesday.

THURSDAY is WESTERN DAY! Wear your favourite cowboy/cowgirl outfit!

1. Sp Test Corrections & Signed
2. Sp-- Novel list #2 (DUE THURS)
3. Math w/s
4. SS- BC facts
5. CW- CH 16-17 q's


May 7

Tomorrow is the ice cream sundae treat! Please check your child's homework with them. Those with outstanding work was told what was overdue!

Bring your own bowl and spoon... bananas optional!

1. Sp Unit 28 due tom! Test tom!
2. Daily Lang Wk 9 (Mon-Thurs)
3. Letters H (horses) L (Lurvy)
4. Math w/s (Track participants did not receive this one yet, but will get in tomorrow, due Fri or Mon depending on whether they are away on Friday again...)


May 6

Top Marks Uniform Co will be holding fittings at Cloverdale Catholic School on May 14 (2:00 to 7:00) and May 15 (3:00-7:00) for all students BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please book online on their site, by email info@topmarks.ca or by calling their Customer Service department at 1.800.667.7105.

For more info or order forms, please go to our school website!

1. Sp Unit 28 due THU
2. Math POW due WED
3. Math w/s
4. Ch 14-15 q's

Please sign your child's math tests, if you haven't done so yet!


May 5, 2014

Due to the track meet on Friday, I moved the ice cream sundae party up to Thursday so that our track kids can participate. By Thursday, they cannot have outstanding work, or else, they don't earn their sundae. Please ask your children about their homework to help them keep on track!

Congratulations to the Choir participants!!! They won gold in today's music festival!

May book orders due Wed.

1. Sp Unit 28 due THURS (Test also on THURS)
2. Fic/NonFic Sort
3. Math problems (Week 5) due WED
4. Math tests-- corrections &signed


May 2

Next week, we have a challenge of EVERYONE getting their homework done, as we have not yet achieved that this year. In the past, I've awarded the class with an ice cream party... and these students have been waiting to have one! To reward those who have been diligent about completing their work, they will get their ice cream sundaes on Friday. Those who are missing homework, unfortunately, will not be partaking in the reward. It is so important for them to know that there are consequences when we do not finish work on time.

To help them out, you can get started on Spelling this weekend. We will be working on Unit 28 next week and the activities are outlined in the link to the right.

Have a great weekend!



May 1

YES! We are in full spring mode! The weather is warm and everyone is in a very good mood.

AGM tonight at 6:30pm. Please come and hear important announcements. See you there!

Tomorrow is a Food Bank Mass. Please be generous. We only have two more to help fill out the pantry shelves for the summer!

1. Sp Unit 27- due tom.
2. Letters R&Z
3. Caregiver chart
4. Math w/s (I sent a multiplication table home to help with the higher facts. For quizzes, they need to be able to do the facts 0x0 to 5x10 all on their own)