
Oct 30

Tomorrow students are encouraged to dress up as a Holy Bible figure. We do have Mass tomorrow, so students cannot have anything on their heads (helmet, veil, halo, etc). They can put them back on in class.

Religion tests were well done overall. YAY! They were sent home to get signed today. If your child has "retest" on it, please help them prepare for the retest on Monday.

1.Sp Unit 8 due tom
2. Reading log due
3. How to dress... (paragraph with transition words)
4. Penpal Good copy
5. Sienna star student sheet


Oct 29

Rosary Test Tomorrow!!!
Reading Log is due Friday!

1. Math pg 47
2. Sp Unit 8-- Due FRIDAY


Oct 28

Newsletter was sent home today! Please read it!

Thank you to the parents who have offered to make us cupcakes for Friday :) Our class is covered!

--Popcorn sale-- fifty cents
--Living Rosary Prayer Service. You are welcome to join us at 1pm. The Fitness-a-thon assembly will follow.
--Hot lunch tomorrow. If you have not ordered for next month, you can do so on-line. The feedback has been positive from the students. The food is tasty!

1. Parts of a.... labelled
2. Ch 3&4 Ramona questions
3. Penpal R.D.
4. N&T Booklet-- Travel


Oct 27

SOS: The class is need of a parent (or parents) who can make cupcakes for the class for Friday. We need 30 in all... Please email and let me know. These can go towards your hours :)

Please go over the Rosary mysteries with your child! Our test is on THURSDAY. It consists of fill in the blanks for the rosary facts and writing down the mysteries. The study sheet was given at the beginning of the month. Last week, more than half the class asked for another copy. Please ensure your child has one!

The reading challenge log is due on Friday! This also has a sheet that needs to filled in!

Friday is also All Saints Dress Up Day!
If you need ideas, catholicicing.com has GREAT and EASY ideas!

1. Math w/s
2. Sp Unit 8-- due Thurs
(WTW #1-4, WP #2-4, CH #1,2,5-- TAKE NOTE OF THE CHANGES!)
3. Comm Skills pg 16-18
4. Math and Sp Tests corrected and signed


Oct 23

A few reminders for upcoming important dates:

No school tomorrow (Oct 24)

--Rosary Test Oct 30

-- Holy Hero or Saint Dress Up Day on Oct 31
--Reading Challenge Log due Oct 31

-- Sci Term Project due Nov 14


Oct 21

Please send back any interims that are still at home. We keep them in the student files.

Tomorrow we have gym instead of Thursday. Please ensure they have their gym strip.

Photo RETAKES THURSDAY, send a note with your child if they need retakes!

1. Sp Unit 7-- due Thurs. (Test is also on Thurs)
2. CE- Space Station
3. Math pg 45
4. Printing to Z (We are getting started with cursive next week!)

Don't Forget:
-- Rosary Test on Oct 30.
-- Science project due Nov 14


Oct 17

Happy Friday! 

Great job to our readers and gift bearers at Mass today! If your child did not have a part in today's Mass, don't worry! We have a few more turns!

Today I sent home a project outline for our term project in Science. It is to build a home/structure for the "fourth" little pig in the Three Little Pig fairytale. Please go over it with your child as they should be able to tell you about it. No store bought houses are allowed! The out line can also be found on a link on the sidebar.

Next week, we are back to the Spelling program with Unit 7. (Please take note that we are NOT doing Unit 6- Review)

Please read your child's interim report and return it to school, signed. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to email me!

Have a great weekend!


Oct 15

Happy middle of October! My how time flies! I hope your child has been busy filling in their Reading Log. If you haven't seen it, please ask them! This week's spelling list is fall words. They should have the words in their yellow duotangs, along with the activities to be completed by Friday.

FRIDAY is the deadline for pledges to be turned in!

1. Math w/s
2. Math test signed and corrected
3. Acrostic name poem (rough draft)


Oct 9

PICTURE ORDERS were due TODAY. If you did not send the form and payment in and would like to order it, you can still do so online ASAP.

HOT LUNCH from the The Lunch Lady (Oct 15 & 29) are due TOMORROW. You may also make your orders on-line. Some great choices! I remember in our generation when hot lunches were much simpler. We were so excited when chocolate milk was introduced! (I can't believe I just used the "I remember when..."!!!)

Wear proper gym strip tomorrow! Bring water bottles!

We are not doing Unit 6 in Spelling next week. I will be giving them a Fall word list on Tuesday.


Here are some of the things the students are thankful for:
-- family
-- friends
-- our world
-- animals
-- food and water
-- CCS :)

1. Rel. journal-- Luminous Mysteries


Oct 8

-- FITNESS-A-THON is on FRIDAY!-- Students are to come to school in their gym strip. A letter outlining the day went home today with the oldest/only children.

- Tomorrow is our "Friday" schedule in class, which means we have our Spelling Test, Math quiz and short quiz on nouns tomorrow.

1. My Goals- Rough draft
2. My goals- Good copy ILLUSTRATION ONLY
3. Math w/s-- place value and value quiz tomorrow
4. CE- Thanksgiving story
5. SP UNIT 5 is due TOM.


Oct 7


Last week, two important things were handed out-- an October Reading Log challenge (see link on the side) and a Rosary Test study sheet. Please ensure your child has shown you both. The Rosary Test is on Oct 30 and the Reading Challenge is due on Oct 31.

This week, I have assigned the Spelling Unit for the week and we have started it together. All the activities are due on Thursday. Due to the Fitness- a- thon on Friday, all tests and quizzes are on THURSDAY this week.

NOON Dismissal on FRIDAY. Students are to wear their gym strip to school that day.

-Picture orders due Oct 9.
-Hot Lunch (through Lunch Lady-- Oct  15 & 29) Paper orders are due on Oct 10. (PLEASE SEE MENU FOR CHOICES!)

1. Sp Unit 5-- due Thurs (WTW #1-4, WP #1-3, CH #2, 4)
2. Comm Skills pg 14-15
3. Math w/s
4. Now & Then- Houses
5. Sci- Plastics


Oct 2

FOOD BANK MASS! Don't forget whole uniform!

Prayer test tomorrow!

1. Rd 15 minutes
2. Sentence w/s
3. Math pg 28-30 (not all of it! We circled the numbers needed!)
    Math quiz tom.


Oct 1

Tomorrow is pledge tally day! Please let us know how much you have in pledges so far!

Today we only had half the class there! We really missed our friends! The Cross Country students received their homework yesterday. It is their responsibility to complete it for tomorrow!

1. RD 15 min
2. Sp CH
3. Math w/s
4. I Believe (Good copy-- Cross country members, it's only the drawing, as I need to proof their rough drafts still)
5. Current Events- map questions

Morning Offering QUIZ is on FRIDAY-- this prayer was handed out in second week of September and we recite it in the morning. It will be a fill in the blanks quiz.

Morning Offering
O Jesus,
Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day
in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world.
I offer them for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart.