
December 7

Counting down the days until Christmas break!!! Everything is fast paced and it feels like we are working on fast forward, as we prepare for the Christmas concert. Dress rehearsal is next Monday so please ensure that your child brings their costume to school on that day. Tuesday is show day with a matinee at 1pm and the evening show at 7pm.

This Wednesday is Christmas sweater or Christmas colour non-uniform day! (YAY!) Next Wednesday is pajama day (double YAY!)

I will be away on retreat this Thursday and Friday, but Mr. Mullins will be in as my sub along with Mrs. Wong. Weekly progress reports will not be sent home this week.

No spelling this week (or next week!). We will resume with spelling activities and tests in January!

1. Novel study- CH 1-3 vocab
2. Novel study- CH 4 questions
3. Current Events- New PM q's
4. Current Events- map q's