
Feb 29

Happy Leap Year Day! The end of second term has come and gone and now we are in our final term together! Oh my! That was fast!!! Report cards go home on Friday. This term, the students helped by writing their own goal to go along with a goal that I have for them for the next term.

SPRING BREAK-- MARCH 7-MARCH 18 (See you back on March 21st!)

1. Daily Math Review (5)
2. Leap Year reading
3. Comm Skills pg 80-83, 86 (Due Thurs)

No Spelling this Week


Feb 24

Congratulations to Liam and Naysa who represented our class at the Speech Arts assembly today for Bible reading and Poetry, respectively. Great job to everyone who presented their poems in class! Overall well done! I get really nervous standing in front of my peers in presenting something, so it was so great to see the students stand up in front of the class to present their poems.

Socials Test on continents and oceans on Monday, Feb 29. I gave a review sheet last week and we will go over all their answers tomorrow. Please ensure they have the review sheet (completed) at school.

No spelling this week, but Comm Skills was assigned on Monday instead, to review verbs.

1. Comm Skills pg 64-67, 74
2. Socials review sheet

Student led conferences tomorrow and Friday morning. Please ensure you have your time. See you then!


Feb 10

Today we had Mass and a prayer day to start our Lenten Journey. Father Anthony encouraged the students to think about their Fasting (what we give up), Prayer and Almsgiving (what we are giving to others).

The students also recited their Speech Arts poem today. Thank you for practicing with your children. It was really neat to hear all the different poems. I will choose one person to recite their poem at the school assembly.

Upcoming important dates:

Friday-- non uniform red day (valentine's exchange
Feb 15-- skating day- leaving school at 11:45am, ice time is noon
Feb 17-- Book report project due
Feb 19- Apostles Creed quiz

1. Spelling Unit 17 due Fri


Feb 1

Happy Catholic Schools Week!!!

This week will be a short fun filled week celebrating our school and community. Today we focused on the most important pillar of our school, our faith. We wrote a prayer thanking God for the gift of Catholic education. Tomorrow is Crazy hair/hat day but students are still expected to wear their uniforms. 

Book Fair will be open until tomorrow after school in the Parish Center. Primary students will be allowed to go during recess if they bring their money.  

We finished Bible readings today with the exception of students who were absent. Just a reminder that poems are being presented on Feb. 10. Poems must be memorized.

No spelling this week. 

No school Thursday, Friday this week and Monday next week.

1.  Backwards Poem rough draft