
Mar 31

FOOD BANK MASS TOMORROW. Please be generous!

The weather has been BEAUTIFUL! It is so warm out that students often take their sweaters and jackets off at recess. Please ensure that EVERYTHING is labelled as they often get left out.

At this point, I am only sending Weekly Progress reports that are warranted. If your child is NOT taking one home, then they had a good week and do not have any missing or late assignments. 

1. Math w/s
2. Rough Draft- fruit/veg paragraph
3. SS Map- colour bodies of water only
4. C&O cursive


March 29

Alleluia! He is risen! I wish you all a very happy Easter season! We will continue to celebrate for 48 more days until Pentecost!

I have started conferencing with individual students about their passion projects. The outline (one sheet in their orange duotang) is due on THURSDAY. This is just point form that gives me an ideas as to what they want to research and where the project is headed. Again, the bulk of the project will be done IN CLASS, but you might want to check in with them as to what topic interests them. Some topics I approved today  included: Safe driving, Kids with Dealing with Cancer and Different art forms. It really is up to each child. The next step after I conference with them will be working on asking and answering questions relevant to their topics (research portion).


1. Sp Unit 19 Due THURS
(New spelling group called CHALLENGERS have a different list and are working on List 1. Those students know who they are and what they need to do! Also due THURS)
2. Math w/s
3. Novel study- Ch 9 questions


March 22

Please check blog for news on our new Passion Project. If  you can't click on the link here, there is a new page in the side bar on the blog (also, a blue coloured letter was sent home today with the same information).

1. SP- Religion words (due THURS)
2. Rel- Last supper journal
3. Math pg 81-82
4. Cursive c & o (back page only)
5. Easter egg clues (due THURS)

Passion project-- Topic sheet due March 31


March 21

Welcome back! What a great treat it was to have TWO weeks off for spring break. It truly felt like a break, as my family had some time to do absolutely nothing, after flurry of dentists, doctors and other "must-have" appointments that are usually reserved for days off.

For Holy Week, we are focusing on the real reason of Easter and working on the stations of the cross. We are centering our week on prayer and making ourselves more like Jesus. We will have a retreat day (a day of prayer and reflection) on Holy Thursday. There will be no school on Good Friday and Easter Monday.

1. Spelling-- Religion words (3 activities due Thursday)
2. Rel- Palm Sunday journal
3. Math- pg 79 & 80 #1-6
4. Comm Skills pg 48-49
5. Easter egg clue activity (due Thursday)