

I apologize for not having a homework blog post last night. I was coaching the Gr.5 girl's volleyball game and it ran late. As per usual, we do not have any homework assignments due on Monday, but if your child has outstanding homework, please help them get it done so that they are caught up.

Our class goal for the walk-a-thon is $1250. This works out to $50.00 per student. We are currently less than $100- away from our goal! Thank you for your continued support. We hope to get to our goal to earn a pizza party for our class.

I have sent home their first book report assignment to be completed by October 28. Please refer to the sheet that was sent home and if you have questions, please contact me.

We have been working on an in-class project called "All About Me". This has been on-going since the beginning of September. This whole package will be due on Wednesday. I will send it home next week if you would like to proofread it for your child.

In the next few weeks, we will start to talk about Thankfulness and how this works into our theme of Serve With Joyful Hearts. The students will be preapring for Thanksgiving in our classroom. We will have a class potluck to celebrate our own Thanksgiving lunch. I will be sending home a sign up sheet next week.

Please look at your child's uniform, Marcus is missing his red vest.

Wishing you all a restful and safe weekend! See you on Monday.



Please ensure that your child's uniform is properly labeled. I ask that you please check your child's uniform at home to see if they accidentally took home Joseph's vest. It is labeled. Thank you!


1. Read for 15 minutes.

2. Word Bird-- Students were given a "boring" word and need to look for synonyms for the word. They must write the interesting words on a peacock feather and colour the bird. The bird should be mounted on a construction paper.

3. Spelling activities-- Word Power and Challenges

4. Star Student sheet-- for Ken, must be coloured

5. POW due on Friday!

Hot lunch orders forms are due on Friday. If you need another copy, you can download them off our school website.

Spelling Tests and Math Quizzes on FRIDAY, Sept 30.



Parents: Please sign your child's planner only upon seeing their homework completed. Every Monday, quizzes and test will be sent home for parent signatures. Please ensure that these are looked at and signed as it is part of their homework check.


1. Read for 15 minutes. September reading log is due on Friday.

2. Math w/s
Gr 3: Place value and Standard, Expanded forms and written words-- QUIZ on FRIDAY!
Gr 4: Rounding to nearest 10 and 100, Estimating adding and subtracting-- QUIZ on FRIDAY!

3. Fall paragraphs (about Fall trees)

4. Science w/s
Gr 3: What are structures?
Gr 4: What is Light? and What is Natural Light?

5. Word Bird (Due Thursday)

Star Student sheet due Thursday
Spelling activities due Thursday-- Quiz on Friday
P.O.W. due Friday




1. Read for 15 minutes.
I am starting to collect their reading logs. If they have completed one side, they must hand it in to get their treat.

2. Spelling-- Write the Words (Please see the Spelling List tab for a complete list of their words and pages for their activities)

3. Ode to Autumn-- Read the poem and answer the comprehension questions.

4. Acrostic Name Poem-- Must use the letters in their name to describe themselves and decorate the letters of their name.

Spelling Test, Nouns Quiz, Morning Offering Quiz must be signed by a parent.

Star Student --Ken sheets due Thursday
P.O.W. due Friday
Hot Lunch orders due Friday




We have had a very productive week and are starting to get a handle on our routines. Spelling and Problem of the Week (P.O.W.) are assigned on Mondays. Students have time everyday to work on their assignments and are encouraged to ASK, ASK, ASK if they are unsure of the work.

Our strategy for POW this week was Draw It Out. Students are asked to draw out their solution. Next week, we will be working on the same strategy. If you would like to help them out with their POW, our steps are outlined in the tab "How To Solve Word Problems".

Next week's spelling list can be found in the tab Spelling Lists, the activities are also posted.

This weekend students are encouraged to go out and get walk-a-thon pleges. Our class goal is $1250.00. That works out to $50 per student. In addition, they should be doing service in thanksgiving for their pledges. I will collect their service sheets on Monday for participation marks. Thank you for your support in our service projects.

Have a great weekend!



Check out our new page, "Kids at Work". This section will highlight some of the great work the students are doing in class!

Students must be in FULL uniform, this may include a cheerful smile :) 


1.Read for 15 minutes.

2. Math
Gr 3: Standard form, Expanded form and Written words
Gr 4: Rounding to the nearest hundred

3. Communicating Skills
Gr 3: Singular and Plural nouns (pg 20-21 A, B, C, D)
Gr 4: Singular and Plural nouns (pg 15 & 18)

4. Socials-- Mapping Skills
Colour map, answer questions



Prayers that they should know at this level have been added to a new page on the sidebar.


1. Read for 15 minutes.

2. Math
Gr 3: Expanded form (ex. 459 = 400+50+9)
Gr 4: Corrections and extra practice on Rounding

3. All About Me Project (2 parts, write up about their appearance and write up about their personality traits)

4. St. Matthew prayer ( a few lines about helping us to turn away from sin)

Star Student sheet due tomorrow
Picture Day on Fri
Spelling Quiz and Morning Offering Quiz Fri
Book orders due Fri



1. Read for 15 minutes

2. Math worksheet
Gr. 3: Place Value
Gr 4: Rounding

3. Communication Skills (Verbs)
Gr 3: pg 47 (A, B, C)
Gr 4: pg 21 (A & B)

4. Star Student Sheet-- for Arianna (due Thursday)

- Return library books tomorrow (or renew)
- Cross Country forms due Thurs.
- Book orders due Fri
- POW due Fri


Welcome to Week 3!

Here we are... starting our third week together! Our schedule has some minor changes, but our PE, Library, Music and Computer times have NOT changed. Just some Language Arts have been shuffled so that we can do reading groups.


1. Read for 15 minutes ( I will be doing a reading log check on Wednesday)

2. Novel Study:
Grade 3: Compare houses "Then and Now"-- Comparing the pioneer home and ours.
Grade 4: Comprehension questions #6-15

3 Problem of the Week (Due Friday)-- Make sure the proper steps are followed. Look at the link to "How to Solve Word Problems" found on the sidebar.

4. Sign spelling quiz, math quiz and math drills.

P.O.W. due Friday
Quiz on the words to The Morning Offering


Friday, Sept. 16

Read for 15 minutes

Terry Fox Walk on Monday! Please bring change!
Go out and get walk-a-thon pledges! Our class goal is $1250.

The spelling list is now available in its own page. Please click on the tab that reads "Spelling Lists" on the side bar. Unit two is now posted for our spelling test next week.



Thursday, Sept. 15


1. Read for 15 minutes.

2. Math worksheet-- Quiz tomorrow!

3. Science Title Page (Gr 3: Materials & Structures, Gr 4: Light & Sound)

4. Handwriting practice (e and l)

** We have been working on spelling activities in class all week. Some students were not able to finish it in class and are bringing it home to complete. **


Math and Spelling quiz tomorrow
Terry Fox Run on Monday. Please bring change!


Wednesday, Sept. 14

It was nice to meet most of you last night. If you were unable to come, I sent a package home with your child. Please go through it and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me or email me.

1. Read for 15 minutes.-- Your child is bringing home a reading log today. They are to colour an apple and get it initialed for every 15 minutes of reading time they do at home. Once one side of the sheet is complete, they bring it in for teacher check.

2. Haiku poem-- We talked about adjectives today and they are to write their own three line haiku poem about anything they want. Each line has a number of syllables it must contain (5-syllables, 7-syllables, 5-syllables)

3. Math worksheet (More place value practice! Quiz on Friday)

4. Balloon Tree worksheet (What kind of tree would you grow?)

Spelling Test--FRIDAY

Math Quiz-- FRIDAY
Grade 3- Odds & Evens, Place Value to hundreds
Grade 4: Standard and Expanded Forms, Written Words, Place Value to hundred thousands

Terry Fox Run-- Monday, Sept. 19. Please bring change!


Tuesday, Sept. 13

1. Read for 15 minutes

2. Math worksheet
Grade 3: Place Value,
Grade 4: Writing numbers as words, Ordering numbers

3. Communication Skills
Grade 3: pg 12 A&B
Grade 4: pg 1B and pg 4 A&B

4. Socials -- Colour title page and finish map worksheet

Hope to see you all tonight at the Meet the Staff Evening. 6:30pm at the Parish Centre!


Monday. Sept 12

1. Read for 15 minutes
2. Religion journals
3. Math (grade 3: Even Steven w/s; grade 4: Place Value-- #1-20, #1-15)
4. Bioglyphs

Meet The Staff is tomorrow at 6:30pm and starts in the Parish Centre.
Photo Day has been moved to Sept. 23.
Terry Fox Walk is on Monday, Sept 19 and we encourage students to bring change.

Spelling lists:

GRADE 3: Unit 1
sat, met, fat, bang, set, land, men, said, ten, here, end, ask, basket, often, pretend, hanger, arrive,
engine, pack, cap, helmet, about, after, answer, could

GRADE 4: Unit 1
apple, stick, plants, sent, had, rich, else, hid, dress, miss, autumn, then, mass, bath, hidden,
pineapple, restaurant, dresser, transplant, sticky, fax, compact disk, network, September, about

Quiz on Friday!


Survived the First Week!

September 9, 2011

Dear Parents:

We survived our first week! This week has been full of reviews from last year and getting our brains back to school. As you have noticed, your child will be bringing their planner home daily. This needs to be signed every day, even if they do not have homework. The whole homework list still needs to be copied off the board, even if they have completed the task. The homework list will also be available on-line starting Monday. To check our blog, please go to our school website, www.ccsunited.ca and click onto grades and then “Grade 3/4”. You can subscribe to our class blog by typing in your email address and you will get a notification every time I update.

Some parents have inquired about a class phone/email list. Please fill out the form below, and let me know if you would like to be included on the list. If you do not want to be on the list, please send the form back anyway, so I know you have received the notification. Please return by Monday so that the list can be available by Meet the Staff Night, which is on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 6:30. It will start in the Parish Centre and then you will be invited to proceed to your child(ren)’s classrooms.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at the school 604.574.5151 or email me at mfonseca@ccsunited.ca. I look forward to working with you and your child this year!

Mrs. Maria Fonseca
     Family Name: __________________________________
o    YES! Please include us on the list!
EMAIL: _________________________________
 Phone number: _________________
o    NO, thanks! Please do not include us on the list. (Do not provide email or phone number!)