

I apologize for not having a homework blog post last night. I was coaching the Gr.5 girl's volleyball game and it ran late. As per usual, we do not have any homework assignments due on Monday, but if your child has outstanding homework, please help them get it done so that they are caught up.

Our class goal for the walk-a-thon is $1250. This works out to $50.00 per student. We are currently less than $100- away from our goal! Thank you for your continued support. We hope to get to our goal to earn a pizza party for our class.

I have sent home their first book report assignment to be completed by October 28. Please refer to the sheet that was sent home and if you have questions, please contact me.

We have been working on an in-class project called "All About Me". This has been on-going since the beginning of September. This whole package will be due on Wednesday. I will send it home next week if you would like to proofread it for your child.

In the next few weeks, we will start to talk about Thankfulness and how this works into our theme of Serve With Joyful Hearts. The students will be preapring for Thanksgiving in our classroom. We will have a class potluck to celebrate our own Thanksgiving lunch. I will be sending home a sign up sheet next week.

Please look at your child's uniform, Marcus is missing his red vest.

Wishing you all a restful and safe weekend! See you on Monday.