

I wanted to thank you for the warm wishes and treats for myself and my family. I feel truly blessed to teach such a wonderful group of students and my true gift is being able to spend time with them. I hope you all enjoy the holidays and time with each other. I am looking forward to doing a lot of baking and cooking with my own kids and getting to play!

May the spirit of Christmas be with you all year long and the New Year bring you all joy, love and good health! See you in 2013!!! (I can't believe it is almost 2013!!!!!!)

Love, Mrs. Fonseca


For your information... The Sunday after Christmas is the Feast of the Holy Family. Here is a link to some prayers to share with your own family.


Important Information!

This time of the year, we get a lot of treats in the classroom. Please do not wait until the last day of school to send them all. If you would like to send a treat, please email me and we can figure out a day that works for you. 

Tomorrow is the last Food Bank Mass until Christmas, please be generous as this is a hard time for many families.

Next week is already Christmas concert! Now, I may be bias, but these kids sound AWESOME! I have been able to watch them under the direction of Mrs. Mar on the stage and they are so ready for their big performance. MONDAY is DRESS REHEARSAL. Please send them in their Christmas concert clothes or something similar. They are to wear dark bottoms and GREEN tops.

On TUESDAY (the big day!) students are asked to come dressed in their performance clothes. We have a 1:00 performance and a 7pm performance. If you have extended family coming and they are able to come to the matinee, please encourage them to do so, since it is less busy than the evening performance. Entrance for both performances is a donation to the Food Bank.

For the evening performance, students should arrive in our classroom at 6:30 so we can get organized before heading over to the Parish Centre. Your child will be dismissed FROM THE CLASSROOM after the concert, so please do not take them from the stage or in the centre.

WEDNESDAY is the Annual Pajama Day :) we will be watching a movie and students are allowed to bring pillows, blankets and/or stuffed toys to school.

THURSDAY will be our class celebration. Students each drew a name for their "Secret Santa" and are asked to bring in their gift (either homemade or $5 in value) for their secret person. We will do the exchange then.

FRIDAY is our last day of the year for 2012!!! Dismissal is at NOON!!!


Second Week of Advent

This Sunday marks the second week of Advent. The following except is taken from: 



Preparing our Hearts and asking for the Grace
We prepare this week by stepping up the longing.  We move through this week by naming deeper and more specific desires.
Each morning this week, if even for that brief moment at the side of our beds, we want to light a second inner candle.  We want to let it represent “a bit more hope.”  Perhaps we can pause, breathe deeply and say,
Lord, I place my trust in you.
Each day this week, as we encounter times that are rushed, even crazy, we can take that deep breath, and make that profound prayer.  Each time we face some darkness, some experience of “parched land” or desert, some place where we feel “defeated” or “trapped,” we hear the words, “Our God will come to save us!”  

In class, we have been working on a booklet of Christmas Around the World. This week, we worked on Christmas in Canada, Mexico and Italy. The common theme being that we are celebrating the birth of our Saviour, Jesus. This video is a wonderful reminder that even in the commercialism that is modern Christmas, we can still find the central reason of the season.


Advent is approaching...

Can you believe we are already into December next week!!! I always thought the saying "time flies" was a funny one, but here I am, using it ALL THE TIME! We started talking about Advent in class to prepare for the first Sunday on Advent this weekend. Mrs. Taylor made a beautiful wreath for our prayer table that we will begin to light on Monday during prayer. You might want to talk about making or getting a wreath for your home. It's a wonderful reminder of getting our hearts prepared for Jesus, not just getting our homes prepared for Christmas.

If you would like more information about Advent wreaths, please see the links below:

Catholic Educators.com

The Catholic Education Source

Christmas Concert: With the Christmas season, it is almost time for the Annual Christmas Concert. This year, our class is asked to wear GREEN TOPS with BLACK OR DARK BOTTOMS. The date is December18 with a 1pm Matinee and a 7pm Evening performance. Please let me know as soon as possible if you will be away during this time. 

Just a reminder to please be on time for your conference Thursday and Friday as we need to stick to our schedule. There is no school for students on Friday.

1. Elephant and Piggie comic
2. Math w/s
3. SS now and then (school and toys) (Assigned Tuesday)
4. Good Copy of Penpal  letter (assigned Monday)
5. Star Student sheet- Madisyn (assigned Monday)


Nov. 26, 2012

Happy Monday everyone!!! Here are a few highlights for the week:

Wednesday: Book Fair begins! It is also Book Character dress up day! What a great way to see books "come to life"! Encourage your child to bring the book in so we can share them with each other. Also, please send a flashlight so that we can play some reading games in the dark :)

Thursday evening, Friday morning: Three Way Conferences. Please come on time, as the times are pretty tight and we need to be on schedule. The times are listed below. NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY!

Homework & Reminders:
1. Label & Colour Parts of a Reader
2. Sp Unit 11 WTW
3. Math w/s

Create a Cap contest (Due Wed)
POW this week is Good Copy of Penpal letter (Due Thurs)
Star Student this week-- Madisyn (Due Thurs)

Hot lunch forms & Craft money





Adam V.




















Nov 22

Today there should be 3 notices in your child's homework folder if they are the oldest or the only child. There is one for ordering their Christmas craft, one for donations for shoe boxes (our class is shampoo) and one for the Book Fair. 

Wednesday, Nov 28
To kick things off, we will have a DRESS UP day!
You can dress up as your favourite book character!
Anyone who participates will get a chance to put their name in a draw to win a prize at the fair! Be creative and have fun!

Homework for today:
1. POW due tomorrow (given out Monday)
2. Star Student-- Yvette (given our Monday)
3. Now & Then clothing (only the written part!)
4. I am poem (started Tuesday)

It should be a relatively light homework night (if they have been using their class time wisely!)    


Tues, Nov 20

Rain rain go away....

Yikes! with all this rain, the fields are full of mud puddles. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately to go outside for recess. We like to get some fresh air, so if the rain stops, we go outside for recess, but the puddles are still there!

1. Spelling Unit 10-- Word Power
2. Writing brain (draw small pictures in the brain pockets)

**Snow globe drawing due Thursday
**P.O.W. due Friday
** Student of the Week sheet due Friday


So long First Term!!!

One term down, two to go!

Firstly I wanted to say thank you to all the parents for a successful first term and a smooth transition to Grade 3. I know for most of you, this has been a transition at home as well, with new routines and homework to be done. The students have all shown progress from September and should be proud of themselves. Report cards will go out next Friday, Nov. 23.

Today, a letter went home that has a sign up for the Parent-Student-Teacher conference which will happen on Thursday, Nov 29 in the afternoon- evening and Friday, Nov 30 in the morning. Please send it back with your preferred time and we will try and accommodate them the best we can. If you are unable to come on either dates, please email me and we can schedule another time.

As you know, there is no homework on the weekend, unless your child has something to catch up on... but I think we are all caught up since it's the END OF TERM! Woo hoo!!!

Enjoy your weekend :) Get some rest and relaxation.... SECOND TERM starts next week.....


All Saints Day & Reminders

I apologize for the lack of blogs and updates. I hope that you have been able to keep up with the class news and homework through your child's planner. This is a very busy week. As you know, we do not bring costumes to school on Wednesday, Oct 31, however, we do celebrate All Saints Day by dressing up as a Saint. If you need ideas, please let me know. We will also be talking about qualities that make us Saint-like.

SOS: If you are still in need of hours, then WE ARE IN NEED OF CUPCAKES!!! We need at least 24 cupcakes (one for each child) for our class. PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU ARE ABLE TO MAKE US CUPCAKES. We are playing games in the afternoon with the rest of the primary classes.

Scare Away Hunger:
We are encouraging our students to collect non-perishable food items while they Trick or Treat. Each student is given a card explaining the program that they can carry around and show the neighbours. Please send all donations to the school by Friday, Nov 2

Agape Candy:
We are also collecting any Halloween candy for the Agape Ministry. Please send those donations by Friday.

School Mass this Friday is our class Mass. Not everyone will have a part at this Mass. To ensure that all students get a chance to help out with leading Mass, those who do not have a part this time around will get a chance at our next rotation. 

Report cards are soon fast approaching. If you have any comments or concerns regarding your child's progress, please email me for a meeting sooner than later!

Homework for tonight:
1. Rd for 15 minutes (Please encourage your child to log into Raz-Kids)
2. SS Continents and Ocean Quiz tomorrow!
3. Sp- Unit 8 WTW
4. Science w/s
5. Rel- Correct & get test signed



As the students and I came up with a list of things that we are thankful for, we realized just how blessed we are. We are thankful for our school, our talents, our homes, food and water, our families and of course, God. I wish you all a very relaxing and fun-filled weekend with your families. I am sure I don't need to remind you that there is no school on Monday!!!

Next week is already the WALK-A-THON. Please do not send your money just yet, but keep getting those pledges in!!! We are in need of renovating certain areas of the school and really need your help! What a great way to get pledges when your family gets together for the holidays :)


Raz-Kids: Your child's account has been activated. They are bringing home a letter explaining the program today and their password.

1. Website: http://www.raz-kids.com
2. Teacher Log-In: mfonsecab (This will get them to our class roster) 
3. Click on their name and type in their password.

If you need any more clarification, please don't hesitate to email or phone me. 

1. Read for 15 minutes.
2. Thankful writing
3. Turkeys
4. Star student sheet (Connor)


Fall leaves, Chill in the air...

Well, Fall is finally here :) It is my favourite season! With the cooler weather, students should have sweaters here for recess and any activities we do outside. Please make sure all their clothing is labelled, even if it's not a uniform piece.

 The theme for this year's walk-a-thon is Extreme Makeover: School Edition. Our class goal is $70 per student (that's for the whole school) and with 24 students in our class, our GOAL TOTAL IS $1680.00... Right now, we have a little under $400. I know what this is a busy time for families, but I really encourage you to help us reach our goal so that we can renovate our washrooms!!!

This weekend is already Thanksgiving Weekend... there will be no school on Monday... and what a great way to get pledges, when your family gets together for the holidays :)

1. Rd 15 minutes
2. Penpal letter draft (Our penpals are the Grade 3 students from St. Bernadette)
3. Spelling Unit 4-- WTW
4. Math w/s

Also from last week, I am collecting their bird's eye view map of their room and Mrs. Tyrrell is collecting Science title page.


One month down... nine to go!!!

I can't believe the first month flew by so fast! The students (and I!!!) are back into the routine of school work, but more than a few are still struggling with the concept of homework. The students get quite a bit of time in class to finish tasks, but there will still be some homework daily. At this level, they should be doing around 45 minutes of work at home. MOST OF THE HOMEWORK ASSIGNED IS DUE THE FOLLOWING DAY.

Due to surpassing our goal for the Terry Fox walk, students get a non-uniform day on Monday. Now that it is fall, summer uniforms are no longer allowed. This means that boys have to wear their navy pants and girls have to wear their skirts or tunics with knee socks or tights.

This week, we are starting our Math Problem of the Week (P.O.W.) together. The students get the problems on Monday and it is due on Friday. We will go through the strategy they are supposed to use at school and then the take home sheet is their assessment. If you need to help them with it, there is a link on our side bar on How To Solve Word Problems.

I will also be sending home their first book report this week. It will be due at the end of the month. Students are expected to read a novel this month, at their level. Please sign the reading log daily to keep track of their 15 minutes of daily reading.

Have a great weekend!!! See you on Monday!


Tues., Sept 25

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend! The staff had a great time in Squamish at the Dominican Sisters' Convent. It was a wonderful time renewing our spiritual health and getting the spend time with each other.


Today we had High Touch Science come to our classroom and do some Materials and Properties experiments with them that ties in with our learning outcomes this term. The students had a lot of fun rebuilding bridges ans structures out of straws, marshmallows and toothpicks. 

Get those pledges!!! On Friday, we are going to do a tally of the pledges so far.  Students need to bring in their pledge forms to get a chance to win small prizes.

Terry Fox walk on Thursday. Please send some change to make a change for cancer research!

1. Rd 15 mins
2. My Family- Rough draft
3. Spelling WTW, WP
4. Math w/s