
One month down... nine to go!!!

I can't believe the first month flew by so fast! The students (and I!!!) are back into the routine of school work, but more than a few are still struggling with the concept of homework. The students get quite a bit of time in class to finish tasks, but there will still be some homework daily. At this level, they should be doing around 45 minutes of work at home. MOST OF THE HOMEWORK ASSIGNED IS DUE THE FOLLOWING DAY.

Due to surpassing our goal for the Terry Fox walk, students get a non-uniform day on Monday. Now that it is fall, summer uniforms are no longer allowed. This means that boys have to wear their navy pants and girls have to wear their skirts or tunics with knee socks or tights.

This week, we are starting our Math Problem of the Week (P.O.W.) together. The students get the problems on Monday and it is due on Friday. We will go through the strategy they are supposed to use at school and then the take home sheet is their assessment. If you need to help them with it, there is a link on our side bar on How To Solve Word Problems.

I will also be sending home their first book report this week. It will be due at the end of the month. Students are expected to read a novel this month, at their level. Please sign the reading log daily to keep track of their 15 minutes of daily reading.

Have a great weekend!!! See you on Monday!