
Monday, Feb 13

A short week means we are EXTRA busy!!!
Grade 3 permission slips to Granville Island and their $11 were due TODAY! If you are on my "outstanding list" please email me or send the form and money in ASAP!

Grade 4s will also be going on a field trip on Feb 23. We will be going to 4-Cats Art Studio in Clayton Heights. Permission slips went out today and will be due (along with $5) on WEDNESDAY. I apologize for the short notice, but I just got word from PSG that they are able to pay for a portion of the fee :)

Please ensure that your child is practicing their speech arts pieces at home!!! Once again, our class recitation will be on Feb 24 at 1:30pm and you are invited to come and watch. The local speech arts will be on Mon, Feb 27 and I will notify you if your child is participating.

1. French-- Colours w/s
2. Casey at the Bat-- News article
3. Math w/s
4. Spelling WTW-- Unit 19 (Test will not be until next week!)

Book reports are due on Wednesday
Star Student-- Cassie is also due Wednesday