
School Mass on Friday is our Mass!

First things first, this Friday our class is in charge of  the school Mass. Our theme is Stewards of the Earth. Some of our students are doing readings, please practice with them if they brought one home with them. This Mass is also a Food Bank Mass.

Secondly, I apologize for not keeping up with the blog! The students have been really busy with their writing so it has increased my marking time! It is so exciting to see how much they have improved. If you get the chance, please come in and see their Dragon descriptions on bulletin board outside our classroom.

We are also working on the Beatitudes. To simplify them, we just call them Rules of Happiness or the "Be Attitudes" :) We will have a quiz on them in two weeks.

We are just wrapping up our novel studies and will be starting a new one next week. This time, the whole class will be reading Frindle by Andrew Clements, together. Please DO NOT read ahead, as some of the activities will be predicting activities.

Book report: As I mentioned last blog, each student is able to choose their own novel for the third term report. They need to choose which genre it fits in and then they will summarize the book. I will provide for them the poster paper to do it on. Don't worry! There is plenty of time to read as the book report is not due until June 1st!