
Nov 26

Less than a month until Jesus' birthday!!!! This is absolutely my most favourite time of the year!!! (As you can tell with my overuse of exclamation points!) We will start discussing Advent this week and encourage you to have an advent wreath at home to help you count down to Christmas Day. You will need a circular wreath, is usually has green leaves on it, three purple candles, one pink candle and a white candle. Have your child help you set it up, as we will be doing that in class together.

My own child had his First Confession today and it was a great reminder for me to prepare my heart for Advent by going to Confession with him. We will not have the opportunity to go as a class to Confession before Christmas, so please encourage your child to go as a family.

Any Scholastic book orders for December need to be brought in by Friday. If you would like to gift it to your child, please leave the form at the office and I will email you directly when it arrives. THANK YOU for all the purchases that have been made this year so far, as we have been able to buy more books and resources for our own class library!

Please ensure that you know your time for our Three Way Conferences. This is a great time for us to discuss goals with your child. If you have any questions or concerns about the report card, please schedule a separate time if possible. Thanks!

1. 15 mins reading
2. Math w/s
3. Story comparison
4. Sp Unit 11 (Due Thurs)

Math quiz & Sp test on Thurs