
Dec 16

It is the Third Week of Advent, and while there isn't really a name for the candles, this one is often referred to as the candle of Joy. May this week remind us of the JOY of the season in spite of all the busy activities and all the errands we still need to do!

Tomorrow is the CHRISTMAS CONCERT. There will be a matinee at 1pm and an evening performance at 7pm. Please have the students back to the school no later than 6:45pm IN THE CLASSROOM. Pick up is also in the classroom, I cannot release the students to you in the gym after the performance. If you are here at the matinee, you are welcome to take your child home after the show.  See you then!

Wednesday is PAJAMA DAY-- we will be coming to school in our pj's and watching The Polar Express. Woohoo!

Thursday is sort of like a regular day, as much as we can keep routine. Finally, Friday is our  last day for the Christmas Holidays. DISMISSAL IS AT NOON! Please be prompt as the office also closes early that day!

There is new information about the Hot Lunch that was sent home last month, if you are still unsure about the new procedures, please check the school website.

No spelling, star student or math quiz this week!

1. Christmas in Italy
2. Letter draft


Dec 11

Today was a "light work" day as we rehearsed for the play.

1. Rd for 15 minutes
2. Mortimer-- good copy

If you haven't sent in a lightbulb, please do so. We would like to do a craft with it. Thank you to those who sent two or more in :) They do not need to be working!

Candy grams are still on sale until next week! 50 cents each. The proceeds go to our Christian Servers program.

The Knights of Columbus Shopping Card Challenge is well underway, with many parents taking advantage of this opportunity to support the parish and help earn their child’s class a chance to win a pizza party.  To participate, just stop by after each Sunday Mass and buy a few gift cards.  They are great for everyday use and for Christmas gifts.  The Knights contribute the proceeds to the Church’s building fund. 


Dec 9

Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It usually falls on December 8, but since yesterday was a Sunday in Advent, the Church moved it to the closest date.

We have been practicing really hard for the Christmas concert. Just a reminder that there are two shows on Dec 17. There is a matinee at 1pm and an evening show at 7pm. Please have the students in the classroom by 6:45pm to get ready for showtime.

SNOW ALERT: If there is a snow day (woohoo!) please check the school website or listen to CKNW for school closure news.

SHHHH! IT'S A SURPRISE! Sebastian's parents would like to provide a pizza lunch (cheese and pepperoni from Costco) for our class on Friday for Sebastian's birthday. Please send a snack with your child. If you have any allergy concerns, please send a lunch with your child.

The students have been asking if we are going to do a Secret Santa gift exchange. Instead of buying presents for a particular person, I would like to have a book exchange. Please wrap a new or gently used book (picture book or novel that are grade appropriate) and send it with you child by WED. DEC. 18. We will play a game to get books randomly.

Tomorrow Mrs. Baptista is coming to help us celebrate a Pioneer Christmas in the class. She bought a tree for us to decorate with Pioneer style ornaments. We will be decorating and eating cookies so if you have any allergy concerns, please send a treat with your child.

1. Novel study CH 1-3 vocab, CH 4 q's
2. Math w/s
3. Christmas in Mexico

Spelling- Novel study words due FRI
Kendall star student- due FRI


Dec 5

I forgot to add FOOD BANK MASS in the planners today. Please take note it is our December Food Bank Mass tomorrow.

1. Rd 15 minutes
2. Math w/s
3. Rel- reflection
4. Comm Skills pg. 33-35
(If you do not have a dictionary at home, your child can complete page 35 at school tomorrow)

Spelling & star student sheets due tom


Dec 3

1. Rd 15 mins
2. Novel- Ch 2 q's & journal
3. Canada celebrations
4. Elf applications

Candy grams go on sale tomorrow-- 50 cents each
Sp-Christmas Unit & Christian star student due FRI


December 2

HAPPY ADVENT! I love this time of waiting and preparing for Christmas. The anticipation of Jesus' birthday always means a lot more activities and work, but also joy and love. May the season of Advent bring you blessings in your heart and your homes.

This month, we are NOT doing the usual Spelling Unit. This week will be a Christmas list and next week will be words taken from our class novel Best Christmas Pageant Ever. We will pick up with Unit 13 in the new year!

Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately to go outside at recess. It is quite chilly outside and they are still expected to go outside if the weather allows. Mitts, hats, jackets, boots and other clothing must be LABELLED! 

1. Rd 15 minutes
2. Novel Ch1 questions
3. Math w/s double sided
4. Sp-- Christmas list and activities due Fri

Important Dates:
Dec 6- FOOD BANK MASS, Advent Assembly Grade 2-- 2:30
Dec 7- Work Bee
Dec 17- Christmas Concert 1pm and 7pm (Yippee!)
Dec 18-  PJ Day! (WooHoo)
Dec 20- NOON Dismissal!!! (Double WooHoo!)