
Dec 11

Today was a "light work" day as we rehearsed for the play.

1. Rd for 15 minutes
2. Mortimer-- good copy

If you haven't sent in a lightbulb, please do so. We would like to do a craft with it. Thank you to those who sent two or more in :) They do not need to be working!

Candy grams are still on sale until next week! 50 cents each. The proceeds go to our Christian Servers program.

The Knights of Columbus Shopping Card Challenge is well underway, with many parents taking advantage of this opportunity to support the parish and help earn their child’s class a chance to win a pizza party.  To participate, just stop by after each Sunday Mass and buy a few gift cards.  They are great for everyday use and for Christmas gifts.  The Knights contribute the proceeds to the Church’s building fund.