
January 6, 2014

Happy New Year and Happy Epiphany! Welcome back! I know first hand how difficult the transition may be, as we let our own children sleep in for two whole weeks! It was so hard to get everyone up and moving this morning! We are back on routine this week with our work and hopefully, we get back on track quickly.

We celebrated the Feast of the Three Kings today with a small prayer service in the classroom and door blessing. We also did our book exchange since we were unable to do it due to our AWESOME SNOW DAY!!! Thank you so much for the well-wishes for Christmas and the presents. I am overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity!

In Religion this month, we will begin Unit 2 of our textbooks and continue working on it until we get to the season of Lent. In Language Arts, we are doing some personal writing this week and we will move into poetry next week. This will lead us to Speech Arts (March) and a poetry project for February. In our reading, we are continuing with Reading Groups and a new class novel, Ramona Quimby, Age 8 (Please do not read this ahead with them as we do various activities with the novel.) In February, we will also be having a READING FAIR (similar to a Science Fair, but with a literary focus... more details to follow!)

We have begun our Socials Unit on mapping today and will begin Space in Science this week.

In Math, we will be doing operations and word problems with money for the next two weeks, and then move on to Graphing for the remainder of January.

PHEW! That is our term in a nutshell!

1. Rd for 15 minutes
2. Sp Unit 13 -- WTW due tom.
3, Winter break snapshot-- due Wed

-- Holy Childhood Association boxes due Fri
--Makenna Star Student-- due Fri