
Feb 12

Happy Olympic-Valentine's-African Colour Day! Whew! Could we fit more fun into two days???
I apologize that we did not get to bible readings today, as I was away yesterday (the flu is going around!) and today was just full on fun activities, one after the other! We will get to them Monday and Tuesday next week. We will also do our poetry readings the first week of March.

Next week is our Student Led Conferences and we will share your time next week. If you signed up for the Open House, you are free to come in any time between 5-8pm.

There have been projects trickling in already. They are looking great! I can't wait to see them all! Don't forget that they are due on Mon, Feb 17!

Here is a special announcement from the PFG:
The annual CCS 'Stayin' Alive' auction is coming up fast!  If you would like to get ahead on your volunteer hours, there are plenty to be had that night!  Shifts are availalable in either two or four hour slots on Saturday, March 1st, from 5 - 7pm, 7 - 9pm, 9 - 11pm, 11 - 1pm, 5 - 9pm, or 9pm - 1am.  You can sign up by either returning the form that was sent home with students yesterday, or emailing fundraising@ccsunited.ca.

Tickets are on sale now, available by order form (also sent home yesterday) or directly from the school office, for $30 each!  They're going fast, so pick yours up quick or risk being disappointed!

Thank you for your support!