
Nov 5

We had a beautiful ceremony today for Remembrance Day. We talked in class about what war means and what the soldiers did for our country and our future. Poppies are still available until Friday. Please send in donations for the Legion if you would like a poppy.

Remembrance Day poster contest is back! It is OPTIONAL. If your child wants to participate, please write a note in their planner and I will send a poster board home with them. THE DUE DATE is on NOV 14 (same day as the science project! Sorry, just worked out that way!)There are two categories black and white and coloured.

Nov Book orders due Nov 14. 

1. Saint G.C. (written and coloured)
2. Math w/s --- we have started rounding to tens. We will be doing rounding to the nearest ten thousands. Please practice with your child!
3. Comm Skills pg 20-21 (plurals)
4. SP Unit 9 DUE FRI
5. Alexander sheets due FRI