
March 30

Holy Week is upon us. This week we are focusing on praying for others and in making sure that we stay true to our Lenten promises (Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving). Holy Thursday will be a day of prayer and reflection. In the morning, we will be going through the Stations of the Cross and in the afternoon, we will have a K-3 retreat.

Tomorrow, we will have a special speech arts assembly at 10:45. You are welcome to join us. Christopher and Laura will be representing our class. Great job to all who participated!

Stations of the Cross quiz in on Thursday, April 9. (The study sheet was handed out last Monday... it's yellow in colour!) We are also doing a mini book to help us study.

Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Baniqued to our class. She is our new SEA and will be in Grade Three full time until the end of the school year! YAY!

1. Math pg 84
2. Stations booklet due on Thurs
3. Comm Skills pg 69

No spelling this week.
Our math minutes are x2 this week.

Please ensure that your child had their costume (toga) NEXT WEEK. We will be taking class photos on Tuesday, Dress rehearsal is on Wednesday and Thursday is the show... Costumes must be at school on all three days.