Hello April showers! I sure hope this means that the plants around my house will have a good chance of surviving! It's a family joke that I have a "black thumb" as my plants always meet an untimely demise!
We have started the I'm A Gift From God program in class yesterday. A letter, along with a parent lesson package was sent home. If you have not received it, please ask your child! I will ensure that it gets sent home. I will write on the blog what parent lesson needs to be done at home as we go on. Today we just started writing about gifts that God has given us.
We have a socials test on FRIDAY (I moved it from Thursday so that we just keep with our routine of Friday tests). They need to know the provinces and the capitals.
May book orders are due on Friday (April orders have already been shipped and should arrive before Friday).
1. Sp Unit 27 (WTW #2-4, WP # 1-3, CH # 1, 2, 5
OR List 3 (one activity from each section-- PLEASE remember that Entrees are only for 15 words of your choice NOT the whole list)
2. Gift From God-- poem
3. Math pg 130-131
4. SS Review sheet