Happy JUNE!!!
Here it is... the final month. I can't believe that I am preparing to pass this wonderful group onto Grade Four. While we are doing a countdown to the end of the year, we still have WORK to do.
1. Brainstorm and RD of "Someday" paragraph
2. Math pg 242 and 243
WED homework-- (FOR TRACK participants)
1. Math pg 244
2. D for Dump, O for Orchard
3. Ch 14 & 15 questions (we read the chapters today in class)
Message from the Knights of Columbus
As we enter the home stretch of the contest with only a single
weekend remaining the results are very close. If you are unable to
purchase your cards after mass on Saturday or Sunday you can email Earl at
ecoatta@telus.net or call him at 604-576-6306 and he's more than happy to work out other arrangements with you.
With just a few days left the order is:
1st - Kindergarten
2nd - Grade 6
3rd - Grade 2 & Grade 5
Keep on going and let's see how close we can get. What a great way
to end the school year than a class party for your child. Help them
win the party and help the parish and school at the same time.