
Sept 30

Happy last day of September! We did a class tally of our fitness-a-thon pledges so far and we are at $575.25, a little less than half our goal, which is $1240. Keep up the great work everyone!

Hot lunch forms are due on Friday. This is hot lunch for Fitness-a-thon provided by Goode Eats not the on-line orders from The Lunch Lady.

1. Math worksheeet
2. Sp unit 3- CH


Sept 29

Please check your child's bag for an updated email/phone number list that now includes the whole class.

A word about our fitness-a-thon:
Our 2nd ever “Fitness-a-thon” kicked off with a fun assembly last week.  This week we are looking forward to our first pledge tally daytomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 30th.  All students will be asked to inform their teacher of their pledge total so far so we can begin to measure our progress towards our school goal.  We will be having our 2nd Fitness-a-thon” assembly tomorrow to announce results so far and learn about this year’s prizes!

1. Math pg 25-26 (#1-7)
2. Sp Unit 3 Word Power (#1-3)
3. Sp test corrections and sign
4. Friends definitions


Sept 23

Today your child is bringing home their spelling test and math quiz. Please have them make any corrections, sign it and return to school. I will keep all tests and quizzes on file. We also need to make sure their spelling test books are back at school for Friday's quiz.

Friday is PICTURE DAY. Please make sure they bring their red sweaters.

A pledge form went home today for our fitness-a-thon on Oct 9. I did not send the accompanying letter home that explains this fundraising venture. I will make sure it gets home tomorrow! Sorry for the mix up!

1. Math pg 11-12
2. Sci title page
3. Sp Unit 2-- Challenges (#1-3)


Sept 21

Congratulations to our friends who went to the cross country meet today! Way to go!

We did pack their work before leaving so that they didn't miss much. The rest of our afternoon was pretty much work time, so most of the students should have very light homework if at all.

Terry Fox walk is on Wednesday, we ask each family to bring in a twoonie.

Confession and Adoration on Friday.

Scholastic book orders are due on Sept 30. For orders received through our class, we get bonus bucks back to use on our classroom library. You can pay by cheque (payable to Scholastic Canada) or now, they offer payment online with your credit card! I will activate this feature and send out instructions on how to do so.

Our class is signed up for Raz-Kids this year. I will send home a letter with their login and password, as it is different from last year.

1. Math pg 7&8
2. Walking story (I am, I know, I like, I dislike-- 3 of each)
3. Sp Unit 2- WTW
4. Sci title page due Thurs (marking rubric is on the back.


Sept 18

We made it to Friday!!! Woohoo!!! It is always a little hard to get back to routines but slowly, we are getting the hang of working in Grade Three. We had our first Fonseca sale today (to purchase cun coupons) and I also introduced a list of fine-able "offences" in the classroom. For example, if they do not write their name on a piece of work, they owe me a Fonseca buck. If they need a new worksheet because they lost the first one, they owe a Fonseca buck. Most students have done really well with earning their bucks by completing homework, keeping on task and so on.

If you did not get a chance to come to the back to school BBQ, I hope you received the package I sent home with your child. I also sent home the class email/phone number list. Please let me know if you did not receive it.

Please let me know if you're still having difficulties with subscribing to the blog. I think our IT teacher has fixed it for us!

We had a math quiz and a spelling test today. They will be sent home on Monday for signing.

A few reminders for the upcoming week:

-- Library day on Monday, please return your books.
--If  your child is leaving for the Cross Country meet on Monday, they will be ready to depart from the school at 11:30. I am not expecting them to come back, so we will pack their homework.
--Terry Fox Run is on Wednesday afternoon.
-- Picture day (individual and class photo) is on Friday.

1. Science title page is due Thursday, Sept. 24

Have a great weekend!


Sept. 14

Today we started our new routines. We did some math, writing and spelling and had our first class meeting. I have asked the students to write everything on the homework board in their planner. If they finished the work in  class, they do not need to bring workbooks home. If you would like to see their work, please ask your child to bring the workbooks home.

Our routine for spelling will be one section a day until we get the routines down. In a few weeks, I will assign the unit on Monday and all activities will be due on Friday. We will also be starting addition math drills on Wednesday.

1. Math pg 1 & 2
2. All About Me R.D.
3. Sp Unit 1 WTW (pg 2 #1-4)



Sept. 10

Today your child brought home a paper bag with directions on it. They are to bring three items that represent them in some way. All three items must fit in the bag. This is due on Monday.

We don't have school on Friday because we are a workshop at Holy Cross.

1. Superhero Me
2. Paperbag project (Due Monday)




Welcome to Grade Three! What an exciting time this is! I knew I was destined to be a teacher when I was in high school. One of my favourite things to do was to shop for school supplies. In fact, it still is! When I walk into a store in August and see the rows of school supplies, I get really excited!

Your child came home today with a letter for the parents and a package of rules and expectations. Please read over the package with your child and return that to the school. A digital copy will be available on the blog. The parent letter and schedule can be kept at home. The blog is under construction right now, as I am having some difficulties with the pages. I will try and have them up and running by the end of the week!

 EARLY DISMISSALS on WED are at 2:30.

A few reminders to help your child transition this week:

--check and sign their planner daily
--encourage them to read at least 15 minutes a day to help carve out "homework time"
--early to bed! Get enough zzzz's so that they are ready and rested for the day.

1. parents to sign package, return to school