Welcome to Grade Three! What an exciting time this is! I knew I was destined to be a teacher when I was in high school. One of my favourite things to do was to shop for school supplies. In fact, it still is! When I walk into a store in August and see the rows of school supplies, I get really excited!
Your child came home today with a letter for the parents and a package of rules and expectations. Please read over the package with your child and return that to the school. A digital copy will be available on the blog. The parent letter and schedule can be kept at home. The blog is under construction right now, as I am having some difficulties with the pages. I will try and have them up and running by the end of the week!
EARLY DISMISSALS on WED are at 2:30.
A few reminders to help your child transition this week:
--check and sign their planner daily
--encourage them to read at least 15 minutes a day to help carve out "homework time"
--early to bed! Get enough zzzz's so that they are ready and rested for the day.
1. parents to sign package, return to school