
Oct 15

Tomorrow is our class mass. The students who have speaking parts have been given their parts to practice on Tuesday. Those who do not have a pert in this Mass, will be given a part in the subsequent class Masses. There are only about eight participants per Mass.

We started a new challenge with our pencils. In an effort to be aware of the school supplies we have, we have numbered the pencils and students have been given their student number. If they are able to keep their pencils until the end of the day, they earn Fonseca bucks. It has been wonderful! I am no longer picking up pencils off the floor after school every day. We have been able to refrain from sharpening thirty pencils every other day! The next thing to tackle is our pencil crayons!

1. Sp Unit 4 due tom (It was assigned on Tuesday!)
2. Math w/s (we are now working on standard form/expanded form/written words)
3. Rel prayer test (morning offering)
4. Homework excuses (good copy-- due Mon)

Picture Orders are due tomorrow
Scholastic October book orders are due on Oct 27.