Clean up! Clean up! Everybody everywhere! Clean up! Clean up! Everybody do their share!
This is the song that keeps popping up in my head all day as we start to wind down and clean our things. Instead of lugging home a giant bag of stuff next week, I am starting to send home school supplies that we no longer need. At this point, I have sent home all duo-tangs. Please let your child know if you want them to DONATE the school supplies in their pencil boxes (pencil crayons, markers, erasers, etc) as we usually collect them at the end of the year to send away. ALL PENCIL BOXES will be collected empty and sent to the Grade 4 classrooms (it is not part of their Grade 4 educ-pac, so they will be using the same one next year again). We have a box of clothes that has been hanging around the cloakroom and none of the students have claimed the clothes. Please feel free to come and browse to see if any of it belongs to your child!
Also I have asked that all backpacks and lunch kits are checked tonight. We have a very unpleasant odor coming from our cloakroom. We have emptied the shoe cubbies, sprayed and cleaned everything, but the smell still lingers! It's quite unpleasant.
Please make sure your child empties their backpack at home so that they can take more stuff home in the coming days.
We are finishing Charlotte's Web (the novel) this week, as well as the ABC books they have been working on for the past month. THE ABC BOOK IS DUE ON THURSDAY at the very latest as report cards are due to the office by Friday. We will be watching the live action movie on Friday morning.
If you have any concerns about your child's learning at this point, it is really important that we discuss it ASAP as next week will be so busy and will fly by.
A notice about our wrap up party on Friday was sent home today.