What a great first month we have had! The students have settled into our routines and are able to work in class, as well as enjoy each other's company. Please have a look at class Dojo, as I am hoping to be able to upload more of the students' work and share them with you.
Next week is a BUSY week!
Sun, Oct 2: Work Bee at the school
Wed, Oct 5: Cross country CISVA meet for the participants
Thurs, Oct 6: Field trip (At this point, we do not have enough parent drivers. Please let us know if you are able to join us on this day.)
Fri, Oct 7: Fitness-a-thon NOON DISMISSAL
Our class goal is $1800, which works out to $60 per student. Currently we are at $510. Please help us reach our goal so that we can purchase new technology for the school, such as Chromebooks, as well as the much needed upgrades to the classroom windows.
Spelling will be sent home on Monday with new words to sort and study. The test will be moved to the following week, as we do not have time to have it next week.
Mon, Oct 10: Thanksgiving (No School)