
April 6

Tomorrow is our class Mass. Please ensure that your child has their proper uniform on. It is also a Food Bank Mass.

The following people have reading parts that they need to practice: Julia, Mark, Alexandra, Matti, Max and Hayden.

Peter, Rosa and Declan will be bringing up the gifts.

Next week is already Holy Week. We will putting a heavier emphasis on quiet reflection times to help us prepare for the end of Lent. We will have a "retreat" day on Holy Thursday and there is no school on Good Friday (April 14) and Easter Monday (April 17).

There was information about a Class Book that we are going to publish (hard cover!). Please send the forms back by April 13 so we can claim a free copy for the class (even if you are not going to order one, we still need the form back please!) Our class book is entitled "When I Grow Up" and each child will have their own written page and their own illustrated page. We will also include a photograph of the class.

Please see the side bar for information about the Passion Projects that was sent home right after Spring Break. This week we have been working on honing in on a possible topic.