

Those two words do not seem enough for the wonderful cards and thoughtful gifts you sent. I should be THANKING YOU for the pleasure of getting to teach your child for 10 months. Each child has been a gift! As with every year, the fun and love shared outweigh the challenges we have had.

Below is the link to a slideshow and all the photos that Mrs. Silva took for our class! (THANK YOU MRS. SILVA!) I hope your child can look fondly on our year with great memories! ( I will keep th link up for a week.)


I wish you all a wonderful and restful summer with your families! May God bless you throughout your adventures! See you all in September!

Love, Mrs. Fonseca



There is another freezie sale tomorrow by the Grade 5s. They are raising money to build a well in Africa. $1.00 for a jumbo one and .50 for half.

You are invited to join us for the end of the year Mass at 9am on Thursday, followed by an end of the year assembly.  NOON DISMISSAL!


June 14

We have started our final reflections for report cards and some students did not finish theirs in class. Here are the guiding questions they can use to help them:

Do I come to school prepared (homework complete, planner signed)
Do I use class time wisely and not distract others?
Do I keep my desk, backpack, supplies organized so I can find my things when I need them? Do I put my papers away in proper duotangs and binders?
Do I include others in play and use kind words towards others?
Do I respect others and their belongings? (Keeping my hands off their things and off others)

Friday is FUN DAY!!!! Your child has been given their colour and number group. We encourage students to wear their team colour OR a super hero costume. There is NO HOT LUNCH this year. DISMISSAL is at NOON.

The class book arrived and was sent home today! It is so well done. If you are interested in ordering and did not get a chance to do it, there is still an opportunity to do so. Please let me know and I will send home a form with your child.

Step Up Day is on June 21. All the grade 3s will meet Mr. Walters and Miss Losito (next year's grade 4 teachers) and the grade 2s will meet Miss Barboza (next year's grade 3 teacher-- they don't need to meet me!)

Slowly we will start to wind down and certain materials will be sent home. This will mean we won't have a big pile of supplies that will be going home on the same day! Their pencil boxes will be sent to next year's teacher, as well as any binders that are still in good condition.

If you are not using any of the current supplies next year, please indicate in their planner so we can re-use them at school:

  • pencil crayons
  • markers
  • crayons
  • rulers


June 8

Tomorrow is Parent Voluteer Appreciation Tea and Annual Talent Show! Tea will be served right after the Mass and the Talen Show will begin at 11 am. Please ensure that if your child is participating, they bring all their materials and costumes to school. They still have to wear their uniform to school because we have Mass.

Next week we have Fun Day on Friday. There is NOON DISMISSAL and this year, there is NO HOT LUNCH. We will provide snacks and treats during the stations and they will go home at lunch.

Thank you to Mrs. Silva video for taping the Passion Project Presentations. I posted the link on Class Dojo.

We started the program "I'm A Gift From God", please sign page 1 in their booklets. We talked today about taking care of our bodies. We also discussed that body parts that are covered by bathing suits and our mouths are considered private parts. It is important that students know the proper names for these proper parts. I will not be teaching them these terms in class, but it would be very helpful if you went over the correct terms with them at home.

Have a great evening!