
June 8

Tomorrow is Parent Voluteer Appreciation Tea and Annual Talent Show! Tea will be served right after the Mass and the Talen Show will begin at 11 am. Please ensure that if your child is participating, they bring all their materials and costumes to school. They still have to wear their uniform to school because we have Mass.

Next week we have Fun Day on Friday. There is NOON DISMISSAL and this year, there is NO HOT LUNCH. We will provide snacks and treats during the stations and they will go home at lunch.

Thank you to Mrs. Silva video for taping the Passion Project Presentations. I posted the link on Class Dojo.

We started the program "I'm A Gift From God", please sign page 1 in their booklets. We talked today about taking care of our bodies. We also discussed that body parts that are covered by bathing suits and our mouths are considered private parts. It is important that students know the proper names for these proper parts. I will not be teaching them these terms in class, but it would be very helpful if you went over the correct terms with them at home.

Have a great evening!