What a fun-filled and busy week we have!!! Here are the hightlights:
You are invited to watch the School Speech Arts Assembly on Wednesday, March 13 at 1pm. We will be reciting a class poem.
THURSDAY is our field trip to Granville Island. Here are the parent volunteers:
Colin's mom, Connor's mom, Emily's mom, Gabriel's mom and Sonia's mom. We are leaving the school at 8:18 so please bring your child to school at 8:00. We will meet in the classroom. Students must bring a bagged lunch with their name clearly labelled on the bag. Please refrain from sending any water bottles or tupperware that cannot be thrown out. Students should NOT bring money as they will NOT be allowed to purchase anything from the vendors.
Friday is our class Mass again and the following students have parts this time:
First Reading-- Andrew & Gabriel
Responsorial Psalm-- Jessica, Emily & Brandon
Intercessions-- Anna, Madisyn, Breanne & Dario
Gifts-- Natalia, Adam N, & Colin
Servers-- Alex, Ryan and Brianna
1. MEMORIZE the class poem!!!! (This has been on the board since last week!)
2. Sp Unit 22-WTW
3. Onomatopoeia w/s
4. Math Week 8 Review
Report cards go home on Friday and then it will be A WEEK OFF for SPRING BREAK! Woohoo!