It feels like we are continually on a race to somewhere and just trying to get to the end destination. I guess that destination is SUMMER and it's finally looking like we can see it in the horizon! As a teacher, this has always my favourite teaching time of the year. We are now in our final term together and it always seems so sad to me as we are FINALLY in the groove of things, where my expectations don't have to repeated continuously and we are so used to each other in the classroom. I hope you all shared in their successes during Student Led Conferences and took time to notice things that can be improved on. If you haven't had a chance to fill out and return the Parent Comment Sheet, please do so and we can add them to their portfolios.
FIELD TRIP NOTICE--- I am still waiting on some field trip forms and money. Please note that they are due on THURSDAY and we will pick our parent volunteers then (Mrs. Tyrrell and I will choose names from a hat :) We will be leaving at 8:15 am on March 14 so please have your child here by 8am. THANK YOU!
SPEECH ARTS-- Congratulations to our class representatives who did an AWESOME job!
Bible Reading: Andrew, Gabriel, Jessica
Poetry: Emily, Yvette, Christina
Emily has moved to present her poem at the Speech Arts Assembly on March 13. We will also do the choral recitation of our class poem on that day.
1. Spelling Unit 21- WP
2. WW Unit 7-- Activities A-C
3. Haiku poem good copy
There will be an open atlas test on Friday, March 8.
Easter-grams are on sale for 50 cents. Proceeds go to the Christian Servers' projects.