
Sept 16

Happy Monday!!! Today was a fun day. We sliced open a coconut... with a lot of force... a hammer was involved. But don't worry, safety first, the students were at a safe distance! They were really adventurous and tried the coconut water and the meat (copra) inside and also tasted the dried sweetened coconut that is used to make macaroons. Some liked it a lot and some did not... but they were all really great about trying it.

We are learning about materials and structures in Science and started with natural materials (hence the coconut lab!) and now we are moving into man-made materials.

We have begun reading Little House in the Big Woods, which ties into our Socials unit of Pioneers.

I was very pleased with the Math quizzes last Friday and will be sending them home, along with the spelling test books, for your signature tomorrow. I still have a few students who need to write the Math quiz as they were away on Friday.

1. Rd for 15 minutes
2. Sp Unit 2- WTW #1-4
3. Math w/s front only

-- Terry Fox walk is on Wednesday on school grounds. Please be generous with your donations of coins.
-- Friday: Photo day-- full uniform required
-- Hot lunch does not begin until October, so please send a lunch on Wednesday.