Here we are! A new school year! When I was a student from elementary all the way through university, this was always my favourite time of the year. I love the newness of it all: the books, the supplies, the topics, backpack, shoes... all of it! As a teacher, I look forward to getting my classroom ready for a new batch of students. I still get excited about new supplies (and new shoes!) As I've already taught most of your children, in Kindergarten, I look forward to getting to know them again and to see how they have grown since then. Please ensure that you subscribe to this blog via email to keep in touch. I will try my best to update all the lists and schedules by the end of the week.
Today, your child will be bringing home a short letter with some important information, as well as an information package to students. Please go over the information package with them, sign and RETURN it to the classroom. Another copy will be given to you, which you can keep, on Meet the Staff Night (September 10).
Please don't forget to LABEL everything that is sent to school that you would like back... uniform pieces, jackets, shoes, bags, lunch bags, water bottles, food containers, etc! I know it's time consuming to do so, but you will save yourself time, money and grief if you LABEL it all! Parent Volunteers
If you need to fulfill parent hours, please email me and let me know. I will be more than willing to send work home for parents to do.
I do blog homework for the first half of the year, until students get in the habit of using their planners properly (this is a learning outcome in Grade Three!) Please sign the planners EVERY DAY even if your child has completed all the work at school. Students want to earn their Fonseca Bucks and having planners signed is part of the homework check. THANKS!PLANNERS
I look forward to a fun and busy school year! Please come and check us out the classroom (in the room formerly known as the Library)!