
October 18

Happy Friday! Just a reminder that we are more than half way through the month and we have a 15 Book Challenge due on Oct 31. If you need more info about it or have lost your sheet, the link is on the side bar. There are two spots for Chapter Books, but the rest of them can be as simple as a picture book (age appropriate, of course).

A big THANK YOU to Mitchell's family who donated small pumpkins to our class. If you are still looking for your Halloween pumpkins or great produce, visit them at Rondriso Farm!

Spelling for next week is as follows and will be due THURSDAY, OCT 24. The test will also be on Thursday as we don't have school on Friday.

Unit 7
1.   feet
2.   looks
3.   asleep
4.   books
5.   queen
6.   teeth
7.   first
8.   games
9.   street
10.   every
11.   ago
12.   about
13.   steering
14.   weekend
15.   screech
16.   hook
17.   hood
18.   needle
19.   agree
20.   sneeze
21.   fee
22.   knew
23.   these
24.   write
25.   know
Bonus: Thanksgiving
Write the Words: p.31 #1-4
Word Power: p.32 #1-4
Challenges: p.33 #1-3, 6,9